"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD…” - Jeremiah 29:14.


     These three words form the bow wave in front of the Noah ship that will usher in the most life changing event in the history of all creation. Nothing is more important, in the greater scheme of things, than the accomplishment of these three words. All eternity, and everything that eternity promises, hinges on these three defining words.

     The three words, THY KINGDOM COME, anchor a very specific petition by the very Son of God Himself made unto God the Father. In fact, Jesus, the living Son of God Himself, just like us, had to make His petitions known at the altar of prayer too. And it was these three words that He led with. And, in fact, these words lead the way, from the front, as a spiritual precedent for all of mankind. Being spiritual beings first and foremost, these three words frame our every action, and priority, as partakers of the divine nature of God. They are the reason for our existence.

     Not only is THY KINGDOM COME the principle thing, the foundation, the platform upon which all else is established, but upon this foundation, they are also the embodiment and edifice of the ultimate glory "that was, that is, and that is to come", namely, the kingdom of glory, the kingdom that is yet to fully come at the great occasion of THY KINGDOM COME.

With that being said, then...

Our Father Who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name.

LORD, may Thine Kingdom Come!

May Your will be done!

On earth as it is in heaven!

- Matthew 6:9-13

These three words are the cornerstone of a very personal prayer. The Lord's Prayer, to be precise. The LORD Himself, God the Son, opened up His account, with God the Father, with prayer. It all begins, and ends, with prayer. PRAYER IS THE CHIEF THING. PRAYER, ITSELF, IS AN INVITATION FOR THE SPIRITUAL TO VISIT UPON THE NATURAL ITS MOST PROFOUND IMPARTATIONS. Prayer infuses the physical with the vitality and integrity of the life that created it. It infuses the very DNA of God into every portion and part thereof. IT FUSES THAT WHICH IS SEEN WITH THAT WHICH ISN'T. And as we begin to stitch and weave with the DNA of God, through prayer, being the very breath of life and wisdom, right before our very eyes, a beautiful tapestry and truth unfolds. This beautiful fabric begins with THY KINGDOM COME. Everything that follows from this cornerstone, takes its direction from this beginning. God says "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and then all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33. Therein is the invitation, and the blueprint. Many may seek to add unto themselves all these things first, before seeking the kingdom, but as many as try, many will fail.

     When we refer to this kingdom, the first point is that it is GOD'S kingdom. His alone. It is His, by sovereignty, by authority and by creation. The kingdom of God is the assembly, and the expression, and the accomplishment of the entire workings of the heavens. It is a kingdom of awe and wonder, of beauty and might, of blessings and bounty. It is quite simply, spectacular. In other words, God's kingdom is absolute. At the same time, it exists without our consent or say so. It prevails whether we be present or not. It is sacrosanct. It just is. It is universal. But, at the same time, the kingdom has another dimension to it. It is also PERSONAL. It is personal "by invitation". By God's invitation. At the same time that it is universal, and His alone, it is also personal, by invitation, something to be personally shared with God, firstly through the glorious dispensation of GRACE, now, and secondly, through INHERITANCE, later. Grace affords us a preliminary look in the here and now into what God's kingdom is, and what it will ultimately be. In time to come, the kingdom of God will translate from a "kingdom of grace" into a "kingdom of glory", an immutable and radiant glory. But for now, by personal invitation, through His grace that abounds, the glory it will become can be experienced now, be seen now, from time to time, from prayer to prayer, from miracle to miracle. But there comes a definite time soon when the glory will be permanently manifest, when this world will be destroyed, and the new world will be created, when the kingdom will come in all its permanent and unshakeable glory. And it will be ruled by Christ.

     It is also safe to say that God exists in heaven, and that all the angels render to both God and heaven, their willing obedience and service. So is heaven part of this kingdom of God already? The word says so. The word tells us that, in this kingdom, God uses heaven as His throne, and the earth for its footstool. So the domain of the kingdom applies to both "heaven and earth". And included in the arrangements and details of this kingdom, the angels prevail as God's attendants, the clouds serve as His chariot, the wind doubles for its horses. He makes lightening and thunder as instruments of war, hell for its prison, and devils the dark executioners and instruments of its judgment. The prayers of man serve as the expression and accomplishment of His will. The Word forms the Articles of Association. His wisdom and His love are the kingdom's manifesto. Of the kingdom of God, King Nebuchadnezzar says; "I blessed the Most High, and I praised and honoured Him that liveth forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His "kingdom is from generation to generation". - Daniel 4:34,35. This passing of the baton, from generation to generation, all points to a SPIRITUAL kingdom of God.

     As a spiritual kingdom, under the veil of things unseen, matters of greater moments lie still concealed, poised to announce the full glory of God upon all of creation. "Neither eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor have entered into the hearts of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9. But even so, we are invited to partake of this spiritual kingdom now, firstly through the unchangeable decree of election, brought out of slavery to sin and Satan, into the true liberty of the children of God, and united with Him by a gracious covenant; that those of this kingdom must have the law written, "not as tablets of stone, but in the fleshly tablets of the heart." - Hebrews 10:16; Romans 2:15. As this law writes itself upon our hearts, we separate from the world and all its lusts. We cleave unto a new bosom. We betrothe ourselves to a new husband. And the cornerstone of that betrothal, as with any marriage, is true love. This is the marriage established on the fabric of spiritual love, or agape love. This is the great invitation to the kingdom of God. To be partakers and inheritors of the unblemished and perfect love of God Himself, for all eternity. And then our call to action, as with Jesus before us, is to usher in Thy Kingdom Come through prayer, righteous prayers, prayers that cease not.

     In our praying, and our praying without ceasing, we are to earnestly petition, with all prayer and supplication, that God’s Kingdom Comes. That is our first priority. This is the great petition, the great intercession. This glorifies God. There are three sub-themes to this petition, to this intercession, that Christ Himself personally bore, that He set in prayer motion, and that He initiated as a never-ending petition from generation to generation. Firstly, with this petition, our LORD, the great teacher, is teaching us to seek first the kingdom of God. By hallowing God’s name, by praying that His will is done, we are honouring the principle of "seeking first the kingdom". We are placing God first and foremost, preeminent and prominent. His glory, and His will, and His name come first, in our hearts, and in our minds, and in our petitions. He is our first love, our great love, our first and last, our alpha and omega.

     Secondly, we are praying that God’s kingdom would come in our midst, now. That’s what Jesus explained with His own first coming. With His first coming, Jesus announced, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” - Matthew 3:2. In other words, God’s promised end-time kingdom is breaking ground in the present through the person of Christ. Jesus brought with Him the blessings of that kingdom. These blessings include wisdom, discernment, healing, deliverance, prophecy, forgiveness, life, salvation, righteousness, love - all bound up in the person, and the work, of Christ. Where Jesus is, there is the kingdom. That’s what Jesus meant when He said, “Behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” So when we pray “Thy kingdom come,” we are praying that these divine, blessed truths would be ours through faith. We’re praying that God would activate the seed He has deposited in us, that we would take hold of Christ’s gifts, which we receive through grace, and that we would express then in ministry and love. In this way, we are delivering on our Lord’s commandment to love, in spirit and truth. LOVE IS AS LOVE DOES, AND IT IS LOVE THAT DOES THAT GLORIFIES GOD. "Faith without works is dead." - James 2:14-26. "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." - Galatians 5:25. And, even beyond ourselves, we’re praying that God’s kingdom would be extended throughout the world, that many more would come to faith in Christ, through the ministry of prayer and the ministry of the gospel, and the ministry of love.

     But there’s a third dimension to the coming of God’s kingdom. This is referred to as “the kingdom of glory.” At first, Jesus says, “Behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” This is the kingdom that His first coming ushered in. This we might call the "kingdom of grace". This is the dimension of the kingdom in which we all prevail at present. Then the LORD moves immediately thereafter to the "kingdom of glory”. The kingdom of glory is poised to establish itself on the day of Jesus’ second coming, on the day of His promised return in glory. “For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day.” - Luke 17:24. Oh, how great will His glory be upon His return. “His radiance is like the sunlight. He has rays flashing from His hand.” - Habakkuk 3:4. And so we pray, as one, and as many, that that day would come! Come quickly, LORD Jesus! This is our urgent petition. This is our deep supplication. We earnestly desire and pray that Christ Jesus would come again, and usher in the golden age to come, when all the dead in Christ will be raised from the dead with glorified bodies, to live in a restored creation, heaven on earth, the New Jerusalem. This is what we look forward to, with great anticipation. New heavens and a new earth, where righteousness will be at home. Where once again, we would walk in the presence of God, side by side, as in the Garden of Eden, with God dwelling with His people, in joyful and eternal fellowship. This is the kingdom of glory, that is to come, and we pray that it will come, and come soon. May Thy Kingdom Come!

Three words. One prayer. Three words that herald in both a future, and a hope, for all of us, universally, and each of us individually and personally. “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD…” - Jeremiah 29:11-14.

THY KINGDOM COME… Three words – a destiny, an eternity, and a metaphor of the trinity.

1. THY : pertaining to God the Father;

2. KINGDOM : pertaining to God the Son, Christ the King;

3. COME : pertaining to God the Spirit, who COMES to help us.

"Blessed are You, LORD God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever. Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, And You are exalted as head over all.” ‭‭ - I CHRONICLES 29:10,11‬ -

May Your Kingdom Come great LORD, El Shaddai, the Great I AM, He who was, and is, and is to COME. May our collective prayers usher in the kingdom of God, being the convergence and coalescence of all that is Your will, both a "manifestation of grace" and a "manifestation of glory". Amen and amen.

To God be the glory, forever and ever. Amen and amen.

#WarriorServants4God #LovingAuthentically #LivingAuthentically

"For My house will be called a house of prayer."