“The son of man can do nothing of himself.”
As a perfect confluence of a multitude of many things, the LORD brought me directly, head on, to this very same place, in every way, personally - experientially, mentally, physically, emotionally.
And in hindsight, I am truly grateful for it.
For until you reach that place of extremity, of last resort, being the very end of yourself, where you realise you can do nothing of yourself, you are always inclined to look forever within yourself, and unto yourself. There is always some last reserve, some final stand and resolve within yourself somewhere that you can dig deep into, to will yourself out of the life situation that you find yourself in. The point is that until you reach that end, you are always looking “inwardly”, towards self, in some way. Only when you realise, and see first hand, and know with all your heart, and all your mind, and all your strength, that you are completely at the end of yourself, do you then finally have nowhere else to turn but away from yourself. Outwardly. Completely, not partially. In every way. Wholly and entirely. Which is when the “fallen nature” then turns towards becoming the “divine nature”.
If every man believes that he can do all things “out of self”, of himself alone, and that he need not look elsewhere or to another, even with every measure of his will fully engaged, and with all the blessings of the natural talents, which we all have in unique measure, then fully activated, when God brings you to the end of yourself, where none of those abilities and faculties can move that mountain, it is then that you truly see, it’s then that you fully realise, that what we are capable of is entirely up to Him. From the very least to the greatest. And that includes the very attributes we each individually have. Every attribute you have, every constellation of unique natural ability is not ours, but from Him. And we can NEVER assume they are ours, or take the glory for them, or what we accomplish through them.
The lives we live, the natural accomplishments we derive from and eke out of the seedtime that is this precious life on earth, including whatever we look like, whatever cognitive skills we have, whatever physical strengths we may be endowed with, our unique constellation of attributes are only ours because the God of ALL creation, of which we EACH individually belong, chose to specifically stand then up out of the dust. It is thanks to the God particle that activates each dust particle into a collection of something more than dust, that we can even think the very thoughts we all individually think, let alone live the lifestyles we live. Our ability to do anything at all, to scale the heights of academia, to rise to the pinnacle of entrepreneurial excellence, or to summit the pedigree of professional acclaim, is entirely and specifically due to the attributes and abilities that are of Him, that are activated in us. They are not ours. They are a unique constellation of attributes derived from the God particle made uniquely and individually alive and active in each one of us.
I placed my trust in my abilities, in my position at work, in my station in life, in my marriage. I was brought to a crashing climax called the end of myself. And that’s when I realised fully, and with complete surrender, that “the son of man can do nothing of himself”. A symphony of relentless events all cascaded into a perfect storm to bring all those false structures that prop us up “in ourselves” entirely to their knees in a huge pile of rubble and ash around my feet.
There are seven billion people on the planet, each with entirely unique attributes. No two people have the same DNA, the same handwriting, the same voice pattern, the same facial features and physiognomy, the same vascular pattern, the same fingerprint, the same retina scan, the same cardiovascular signature, the same brain patterns, the same biosignatures. We are all unique. In every way possible. What are the odds of that? It is deliberate, by design. If man could decide for himself what are his constellation of attributes, what he is or isn’t capable of, don’t you think there would be at least some matches? Or some likenesses? For many is a man that wants to be like someone else. Which is entirely another story in itself. But we were deliberately made not to be the same, so that we each have unique value, and know we have been created for a unique purpose. The point, in this context, is that our uniqueness is deliberate so that we cannot take the glory for any of it. It is all from Him. We owe everything we are in the natural and the spiritual to Him. Who we are in Him, in both the natural and the spiritual, is entirely thanks to Him. And until you truly get to the end of yourself, we often miss this, and often forget that ALL THANKS always are, and always will be, unto God alone.
Whether it be in the natural or the spiritual, no one can do anything of himself. The minute we say “I” achieved this, that “I” made this happen, we decouple from these accomplishments the foundational truth that every ability and attribute we have is that part of Him in us that makes it all possible. We cannot escape the reality that in Him “all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16).
“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17).
“Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1:3).
“For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.“ (Romans 8:36).
God says clearly, to give thanks in all things. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself“ (John 5:19).
In the same way that we are all unique, every unborn child that the world’s ways and plans has stolen from God’s creation is a unique constellation of attributes that God deliberately fashioned in the womb of heaven for a specific purpose and plan. And it is no coincidence that in these last days that this is the season for the murder of these very precious attributes on such a massive scale as has never been seen before. Through legalised abortion, a practice sanctioned and pardoned by a specific papal structure declaring that it is acting on behalf of the body, the enemy seeks to thwart God's plans for God’s church in these last days. And just like the enemy could not thwart God's plans with the first coming, neither shall he thwart God's plans with the second coming. For what else is also coming again is a move of the Holy Spirit that has likewise never been seen before either. For where darkness and death intensify, so too does light and life.
For what greater time than in the prophesied last days does God want to usher in the fullness of His end time church. The church has been in labour for this time and season. And "all of creation waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed." (Romans 8:19). There is no coincidence that we are now in a season of unprecedented murder of unborn children on a scale that has never been seen before. And on the other side, the mass murder of those already born through wars and famine and school shootings. For it is all deliberate, with strategic and malicious intent. For the sleeping dragon has stirred from his slumber and seeks to kill, maim and destroy the end time church, come what may. For at the heart of his intent, where the enemy tried to separate the Head from the body by sending the Head to the Cross, and in so doing played perfectly into God's hand, the enemy seeks now to separate the body from the true Head in whatever means possible. Whether it be by murdering the body before it is born through mass abortions. Or by deceiving the body into uniting with the false head of the harlot church of Rome, by uniting the church under a man, which completely reverses the labour of the work of the Cross in tearing the veil. Or by destroying the body through senseless killings and religious division before the great and second Pentecost comes.
The LORD has deposited the Holy Spirit in all of us. The Holy Spirit is a deposit. A down payment. When you make a deposit what does that mean? It means that there is more to come. A deposit is a part thereof. There is a wave of grace and glory building in the realm of the atmosphere that is going to sweep across the face of the earth like a holy tsunami, with the magnitude and dimensions of a Noah flood of the Holy Spirit. Which will cause His face (favour) to smile upon all the earth and His church, like the seven colours of the rainbow. Which are the seven spirits of the LORD, being the fullness of Christ. Like the second coming of the LORD, it will be the second Pentecost that will usher in the appointed time and season where “greater worts than these shall you do” (John 14:12), so that "the works of God should be made manifest" in man (John 9:3), so that the grace and glory of God will be made known to all the world (Joel 2:28-29). There is more coming of “the Presence of God”, which is the face of God smiling upon you, which is the favour of God bestowed and bequeathed to you. And when that majestic wave comes, a unique constellation of attributes will stand up and come alive and activate in each and every one of us that will demonstrate the works and the grace and the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit like never ever before.
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:17).