The love of God has absolutely no blind spots. It is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, all-sufficient and completely without end. It covers all and sees all. And it misses absolutely nothing.
And when it comes to the only legitimate “figurehead” there is of this great and unrivalled love — a figurehead that is not only without equal, but that is also the exact representation of “how generous” this great love truly is — this timeless icon of authentic love and authentic living also PROVES “the mathematics” of the ”all-sufficiency” of this great and mighty love.
For the field of mathematics is the study of “relationship.” And are we not ALL “in relationship”? Both “with God”? And with “our neighbour”? And is the written Word of God not a timeless blueprint for “true and authentic relationship”? Being the gold standard of what it is to “live authentically”? Because it is the gold standard of what it is to “love authentically”? Which we do only through “right relationship” and “relating rightly”? Which is according to the mathematics of “the Cross”? Which serves to prove that God thinks and operates mathematically. For God thinks and operates relationally.
For when it comes to the way, and the truth, and the life that makes “true relationship” possible with both God and man, are the two struts of the Cross not in “direct relationship” with each other? Are they not “in perfect harmony” and “effortless union” with each other? And does the vertical beam of the Cross not completely support the horizontal beam? And in doing so, does the vertical beam not carry ALL the horizontal beam’s weight? And does the vertical beam of the Cross not point forever upwards “towards God”? And in pointing forever upwards to God, is it not THIS relationship “with God” that “empowers us” to then be able to shoulder the great commission of right relationship with our “fellow neighbour”? And in carrying the entire weight of the horizontal beam of the Cross, is this not why it is written that “My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30)? For is the horizontal beam not representative of “a yoke”? And in forever pointing as far as it is from east to west, is it not the horizontal beam of the Cross that therefore emphasises “relationship with fellow man”? Because, when fulfilling that great commission, the “unyielding uprightness” of Jesus carries us all?
And when one looks at the mathematics of the relationship between the vertical and the horizontal struts of the Cross, which are the ”expression and accomplishment” of the greatest love of all, is it not true in mathematics that when one measures “the total area” of any rectangle, that we multiply “its height” by “its width”? And does the vertical stay of the cross not point from earth “all the way to heaven”? Which is “a height” that is as “high as you can go”? And does the horizontal stay not point as far as “the east is from the west”? Which is “a length” that is as “far as you can go”? And does this not mean that if you multiply “the height” of the vertical stay of the Cross, which is as high as heaven, with “the length” of the horizontal stay of the Cross, which is as far as the east is from the west, that the area of “the love of the Cross” then automatically covers ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING? That it leaves nothing out? Does the mathematics of the Cross then not ably demonstrate that there is no place or person that the love of Christ cannot reach or doesn’t touch? Which not only proves the mathematics of the Cross, but also proves that God’s love is a love that, without doubt, truly has no blind spots.
For is it not written, “I have loved you with AN EVERLASTING love (Jeremiah 31:3)? And is it not a truly staggering love? Is it not a complete and perfect love? Is it not truly without spot or wrinkle or blemish? And in being so entirely blessed by such a great love, which is rightly enumerated as being all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, all-sufficient, a love that covers all and sees all, a love that misses absolutely nothing, then of such a love as vast as this, is this not why Paul prays in Ephesians 3:18 that we “may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height” of this great love? And in doing so, that we may “know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge”, and that we may “be filled with the fullness of God”?
For are we not commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our mind and all our strength? The first and greatest commandment. And is that not about “the quality” of relationship with our Father in heaven? Being personified by the “vertical stay” of the Cross? Which is forever looking upwards to God? And is this not all about the mathematics of “right relationship”? And are we not commanded to love our neighbour as ourselves? The second greatest commandment. Which is as God loves us (John 15:12). Which is personified by the “horizontal stay” of the Cross? Which is forever looking to our neighbour, as far as the east is from the west? Which is all about the mathematics of “relating rightly”? And is there not an everlasting relationship between these two greatest commandments? For is it not said that in the mathematics of these two commandments, being the mathematics of the cross, that all the law and prophets are FULFILLED (Matthew 22:40)?
And are these two commandments not all about “the quality of relationship” we have with God and our neighbour? Which is with a quality that is the expression and accomplishment of genuine love? And what IS that expression and accomplishment? Is it not written that NO GREATER LOVE is the love of one who lays his life down for his neighbour (John 15:13)? Which is to lay our lives down as a living sacrifice for our neighbour. And in some cases, our physical life. And is that not the way our Father loves us? For did He not lay His physical life down for us? And does He not continue to lay His life down as a living sacrifice by interceding on our behalf without ceasing? For is it not also written that the entire law is fulfilled in one decree: that you should love your neighbour as yourself (Galatians 5:14)? And is God not also our neighbour? And is it not written that a pure religion before God is this: to visit upon the needs of orphans and widows in their tribulation (James 1:27)? Which is to love our neighbour as ourselves. Which is to lay our lives down as a living sacrifice for our neighbour. Which is the way we keep ourselves unstained and unsullied from the world.
For does Jesus not say, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6)? And is there not a living relationship between the way and the truth and the life? Just like ”the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” are three yet one, are “the way and the truth and life” not three yet one? And are we not to model ourselves upon His example? That we may be a type and pattern of His way, and His truth, and His life? In loving our neighbour as ourselves, are we not called to THE WAY of being “like a father” to some, to THE TRUTH of being “a son” to One, and to THE LIFE of being “a helper” to all? Is this not how we fulfill the great commission of loving our neighbour as ourselves?
Which all comes down to the mathematics of the relationship between our “communion” with the Father, first, and then with our “community” with our neighbour. Being the living example of “the way and the truth and the life” of the Cross. For when we all FIRST inhale the love of God, through communion, and THEN exhale that love upon our neighbours around us, through community, being an operation that is the exact model and shape of the Cross, if this is being lived and walked in spirit and in truth in every nation (Galatians 5:25), there should never be a blind spot that love doesn’t cover. There should never be an orphan or a widow that does not have their need met in their time of tribulation.