Whilst the wars and wages of time show a mankind at relentless odds with each other over who and what their god is, and which of their gods is “the god of all gods”, one thing that is common to all sides of the human debate is the phenomenon of mankind itself. While there may be no common god for all of mankind, a common man is the universal ingredient for all the gods. The same manner of man that on one day declares "Zeus to be god", is the very same man that on yet another day acknowledges "a tree as god". And while human conjecture abounds and human argument prevails as to who God really is, and if He really even exists, there is one thing that is not open for debate. And that is that ALL men are made the same. The same manner of man who "worships the moon" is identical in kind to the man who "deifies a mountain". For ALL men, regardless of their god, have two arms, two legs, a torso and a head. Whether Roman or Viking, Hindi or Hispanic, Jew or Greek, we are all made of the very same fabric of "skin and sinew", and "bone and tissue". ALL parts of the human anatomy, those both seen and unseen, have the identical form and function for all of mankind. The body of one man operates in precisely the same manner as the next. And for a mankind of billions, this phenomenon of a "singular design" for the body of all men points strongly to a “single origin” for every man. For in the same way that men wage wars over who is sovereign, what are the chances of all the gods of those men somehow agreeing on a singular blueprint for the body of all mankind?
Going hand in hand with this universal blueprint of "a common body", regardless of who we are, whether as the yet unborn miracle in a budding womb, or the spectacle of God’s greatest masterpiece in the prime of life, for each and every man, be that the man of "a hundred gods or one", there are THREE primary things that we ALL, both individually and universally, depend upon as mankind in order to live from one day to the next. And to not only live, but to also thrive. And the THREE essential ingredients common to all men for life are “oxygen, water and food”. If any man has no oxygen, what happens? He dies. And very rapidly. If we don’t have water, what happens? We also die. A little less quickly. And if we don’t have food, what happens then to man too? We die once more. Even less quickly. For all THREE accounts, the end result is the same. On this universal truth, no man in all of mankind, regardless of who or what there god is, can argue. It is as much a forgone conclusion as is the sun rising in the East every morning.
So whilst men debate and war over who their gods are, the single creator of all mankind is teaching us all, as one mankind, that not only is there only one God, (since it is improbable that in the scramble for ascendancy, that all gods would come to an agreement on the design blueprint of "their" chosen creation), but that not only do we ALL need exactly the same THREE things in order to physically live, with the emphasis being on THREE, but that in order to live, we need to have ALL of them, not just part thereof. Having either two or even one of the THREE is just not enough. It has to be all three, or nothing. Which, whether you believe in a god or not, demonstrates a critical physical dependency as a human on "THREE" for life. We see the exact same evidence of this physical dependency whether we are speaking of the yet-to-be-born wonderful infant in a swollen belly, or the senior citizen approaching the far side of an enormously fulfilling life. And in perfect parallel, in precise mirror formation of the body’s dependency on oxygen, water and food, when it comes to the one God who not only describes Himself as THREE, but who also specifically refers to Himself as “the BREATH of life”, and “the WATER of life”, and “the BREAD of life”, who is that one and only God?
In being precisely the very same THREE things that sustain the life of all mankind, when it comes to this God, who is the God of THREE yet one, what is “the Father” referred to as? The “breath” of life (oxygen). Who breathed “the breath of life” into the dust that God stood up as all men? At the same time, what is “the Son” referred to as? The “bread” of life (food). Who said “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world”? What is “the Holy Spirit” referred to as? The “water” of life (water). Which God said “deep calls unto deep”? And that “"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink”? Is it merely coincidental that the body of every single human for all of mankind tells each of us, one and all, regardless of who we believe our god to be or not to be, that we all need THREE things in order to live? And that those THREE things "just happen to be" exactly the same three things that the only living God calls Himself by? Just as we cannot get by with only food and water, but no oxygen, we cannot get by with just "the bread of life" and "the breath of life" without also "the water of life". We need all THREE. A critical dependence on THREE is reinforced and mirrored in perfect parallel in the God of THREE. And when it comes to THREE, who also says these THREE things? “I am the way, and the truth, and the life"? It’s the same God who says: “I alone am God! There are no other gods; no one is like me” [THREE]. (Isaiah 46:9). “But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king” [THREE] (Jeremiah 10:10). Which proves that we need to seek life from a God who is “a living trinity” in order to sustain life. And there is only one God who qualifies.
But the human body doesn’t simply stop there. Is it any wonder that the God of all creation refers to man as His masterpiece? There is yet further evidence of the human body telling us who the only God is. Another feature common to the blueprint design of man’s body is that regardless of whether we are in the womb or not, there is a single agent or mechanism through which all THREE critical needs for all of mankind are successfully met. Whether as a fledgling fetus or a bustling adult, regardless of where each man persists on the spectrum of human life, both appropriate the essential oxygen, water, and nutrients needed in order to blossom and bloom from day to day, day after day, through the vehicle of “the blood”. As a growing speck in a mother’s belly, it is “the blood” of the mother through the umbilical of life that provides all three primary life-sustaining ingredients for what grows in her womb. As a fully grown adult, man assimilates all three mandatory requirements for life, each and every day, without interruption or exception, through “the blood”. And for all, it is consistently, and ONLY through the blood. It is the blood alone that carries the requisite oxygen, and water and food to all extremities of the human body in order that the human body should live from one day to the next, from one year to the next. How, too, does this same God who is THREE yet one, who is also “the breath, the bread, and the water” of life, then tell us, one and all, what is the ONLY WAY that man has access to the heavenly THREE? And once again, consistent with what the human body also tells us, this very same God says that the only way for man to access the bread, and breath, and water of life is through “the Blood”. Again, just another coincidence in the design blueprint of the body of all mankind?
There is even more. In the blood itself, we once again see the human body’s critical dependency on THREE. For the blood is also crucially made up of THREE kinds of cells – platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. Without all three, or without any one of the three blood cells, man cannot survive. The platelets HEAL; the white cells DEFEND; and the red cells NOURISH. With any one of these three types missing, man simply cannot live. Again a critical dependence on THREE is blueprinted for all men, regardless of creed, colour, culture or class. Should any type be missing, we will not survive for very long. Which is precisely the same eventuality for man who doesn’t turn to the Blood “to heal” (from the brokenness of sin), “to defend” (from judgment and enemy attack) and “to nourish” (back into eternal life from the effects of the Fall). That man will not live long. He, too, will live this short life, but not beyond. In exactly the same way the human body is blueprinted to HEAL through the platelets, to DEFEND through the white cells, and to NOURISH through the red cells (with water, oxygen and nutrients), the one and only living God HEALS, DEFENDS, and PROVIDES, and we have access to all three ONLY through the Blood. Is this also a mere coincidence?
At the same time, with any one of the three blood cell types missing, we are therefore, thus also incomplete (or not whole). In other words, not only is our dependence on all of the iterations of THREES above necessary to physically live, but as “we live”, a dependence on THREE is also necessary for mankind in order “to be complete”. And in the very same way, our soul’s dependence is upon EACH of “the three Persons” EQUALLY for both life and completion (or wholeness). We are completely dependent on God as one, AND God as THREE, because it is God as THREE all working together as ONE who thoroughly complete us – "body, soul and spirit", being again a function of THREE. “And in Him you have been made complete” (Colossians 2:10). But our access to the THREE is singularly and exclusively only through the Blood, just like it is for the physical body. Of all mankind’s numerous gods, what other god is so intimately and directly aligned, in both form and function, to the intricate dependencies and plurality of needs of all mankind? Coincidence?
In the same way, the Blood does THREE absolutely vital things. Another coincidence? It completely and entirely covers all sins - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE – THREE tenses. And in doing so, it covers the THREE effects of sin also. The Blood covers the PENALTY of sin (past tense). The blood covers the POWER of sin (present tense). And the blood covers the PRESENCE of sin (future tense). A "complete work" by a "complete blood" in THREE different ways, and in THREE different dimensions. In other words, a complete covering for ALL of mankind (represented by THREE) is available through the Blood. “For the life of the flesh IS in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it IS the blood THAT maketh an atonement for the soul” (LEVITICUS 17:11).