Christianity is unique, and opposite to all other religion, in that it is rather the effort of God REACHING DOWN to undeserving man, whereas every religion is about man's own effort of REACHING UP to God, trying, in himself, to be deserving of God.


So blood is not only a covering, and a penalty for sin, it is also an emblem of Hope! May the Blood speak!

SEVEN things the Blood has to say... 

May the Blood continue to speak.

Forever and ever...


- 1 - 



       This is a HOLY day. Man has himself declared many Biblical days to be holy days, but God Himself declared and acknowledged this day to be one of HIS holy days. It's a holy day that marks the greatest victory and accomplishment in the history of eternity, and not for what MANKIND has achieved, but for what GOD Himself has achieved, for and on behalf of all of mankind, and eternity. 


     What was accomplished today, two millenia ago, distinguishes Christianity from every religion. Every religion is, firstly, man-made, not God-breathed. Christianity is not a religion. Secondly, every religion is about man's own effort of REACHING UP to God, trying, in himself, to be deserving of God. Christianity is unique, and opposite to this, in that it is rather the effort of God REACHING DOWN to undeserving man. 


     Today commemorates and honours both the "REASON of why" and the "MANNER of how" God reached down to man. So this is a very special day. It's a day to be hallowed. It's a day to be revered. But it's also a day to be celebrated. If I had eyes to see, I would love to see what celebration is going on in heaven today, around the throne of Christ Jesus.

- 2 -



       So this weekend is all about the Blood of Christ. How many know that tomorrow is a blood moon? How many know about the relevance and the biblical importance of blood moons? In Joel 2:30, it says: And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD." - Joel 2:30-31 NKJV.


     Up until this century, the last blood moon was over 300-years ago. So a blood moon itself is a rare thing. But what is significant about the blood moon tomorrow is that it falls on God's holy day, Passover. What is also significant is that tomorrow is the third of FOUR blood moons happening one after each other in a very short period that all fall specifically on God's holy days, starting on Passover again last year, and ending on Sukkoth on 28 September this year. There are no coincidences with God. So that's April 15, 2014; then October 8, 2014; April 4, 2015; and September 28, 2015. What are the chances of a blood moon occurring precisely on every holy day? Coincidence? I think not.


     We all know that "Passover" is about the blood of the sacrificial lamb as "a covering" against the angel of Death that struck the firstborns in Egypt. And what about "Sukkoth"? It is about "the covering" of the Israelis in the wilderness. And what has now taken the place of this now? The Blood of Christ! Let the Blood of Christ continue to speak, and to speak more and more, precious Yahweh! 


     So we have "four blood moons" occurring now, in this time, before our very eyes. But history shows that even when there is only ONE blood moon, significant events are associated with their occurrence. For example:


     - A blood moon coincided with the Six Day War in 1967, when Israel liberated Jerusalem; Jews were able to return to Jerusalem after 2000 years of Exile. And again, the blood speaks because Jewish blood was spilled during this war.


     - There was also a blood moon on the eve of Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948, following a bloody war where Jewish blood was again shed. And this took place only a few years after the Holocaust, when Six Million Jews were murdered! Again, the blood speaks.


     - And finally, there was a blood moon in 1493, 500-years ago, when Tomas de Torquemada, the first Spanish Inquisitor, began slaughtering Jews. Here too, Jewish blood was spilled.


     What are the chances of a rare blood moon occurring at the exact same time as every major event in Jewish history where Jewish blood was spilled. What type of blood was spilled today, 2000-years ago? Jewish blood. The blood continues to speak. So now we have a blood moon tomorrow.


     But what is most significant, is that there have only been three events of "four blood moons" in the last 2,000 years. So if ONE blood moon is significant, what does that say about FOUR? In Joel 2:30, God says He will use signs and wonders in the heavens and the earth to herald in the coming of Christ. What did the physical Angel say to Pastor Daniel the other day? The Lord is coming soon.


     So blood is not only a covering, and a penalty for sin, it is also an emblem of Hope! May the Blood speak!


- 3 -



     In Matthew 26:27-29, it says, "Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” - Matthew 26:27-29 NKJV


     This was at the Last Supper or in Hebrew, Seder (sey-der). Seder is Jewish ritual service and ceremonial dinner for the last night of Passover. So the Last Supper fell on Passover. At the Last Supper, Jesus did something out of the norm for what was traditional on the Seder of the day. The traditional meal had four cups of wine. So "four cups of wine" and "four blood moons". Each cup of wine has a name and spiritual significance. The cup that Jesus was presenting in the scripture was the Cup of Redemption. Instead of the usual Passover phrases that were normally uttered here, Jesus told them that the cup was aboutHis blood! He was speaking of a new covenant. In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul quoted it with the words 'new covenant'. 


     The wine in the cup represents His blood, which besides representing the covering for sin, or our redemption, also represents the significant Kingdom milestone that replaced the law being written on tablets of stone and, instead, the law is now written on the tablets of our hearts. So the Blood speaks again, loudly, by writing the law on the tablets of our own hearts.


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     Jesus' wording at the Last Supper is very much like the words used for a proposal for marriage during that time. A groom would present a cup of wine to a prospective bride, and propose a covenant of relationship with her. If the bride took the wine, and drank it all, it meant she received his life and would give him her life as well. We all know that there will be another supper in Revelations, called the MARRIAGE SUPPER, being exclusively for the brides of Christ, and singularly for the wise virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.


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     Wine was a symbol of joy and celebration. So when Jesus says, "I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” it is one of the dearest expressions of all Jesus' statements ever made. Jesus said He would not drink it again until He drank it anew with us in the Father's kingdom. This tells us that He will not be joyful or celebrate until we are with Him in heaven. So the wine, which represents the blood, tells us how He longs to be with us. These words should not only reveal to our hearts His great love for us really is, but tells you what His blood has been speaking for the last two thousand years.


- 6 - 



     This weekend is Passover. Passover commemorates when the Jews were in captivity in Egypt, and the Lord ordained their release from captivity. But Pharaoh didn't want to release them. So the LORD ordered ten curses to be carried out to ensure their release. The "last curse" was the curse of death, and the Israelis were commanded to sprinkle blood on their doorpost to avoid the Angel of death killing their firstborns. The first curse was ALSO blood. Moses was commanded to turn the Nile into blood to let the Egyptians know who their God was. 


     So the blood not only represents freedom from slavery. But everything that deals with setting the captives free both BEGINS WITH (first curse) and ENDS WITH (last curse) the Blood. Let the Blood Speak!


- 7 -



     May the grace of our Lord soak us all fully in His blood. May we be immersed in His blood. May we wear our Saviour's blood as a daily and living garment. May we be washed as white as snow with His blood. May the Blood of Jesus speak TO you, and FOR you, and IN you today, and forever more. This I ask in the hallowed name of Christ Jesus, written in His own Blood, as a signature of love and ownership, upon the heart of each bride of Christ, for every soul upon this planet, for every believer, for all the lost, and for all the found, amen and amen.


- To God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be all the glory. Forever and ever. Amen and amen.

- Blessings, Wayne Biehn