“The remnant.” Two words that carry the distinct pitch of “unshakable grit and purpose”. For do those who remain entirely undeterred by public opinion and firmly resolute in their purpose not speak loudly of “unwavering and indomitable spirit”? And it is for this same reason that, throughout the Bible, we run into the truth of “a remnant” who are willing to give themselves wholly to the Lord and not follow the ways of man.

     Which are those who when everyone else has gone home, are those still standing firmly on the field of faithfulness. For there is a world of difference between having “faith IN” God and being “faithful TO” God. For is it not written: “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (II Chronicles‬ ‭16:9‬)?

     And of those who are loyal to Him, being all those who not only have faith IN their God, but who are faithful TO their God, it is THIS remnant that God has used time and time again to fulfil His purpose for a particular time and age. And are we not entering the time of Isaiah 22:22? Which is when, “The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open.”

     And of this remnant, they all have the same Father. For they are all of the same Spirit. A Father who, just like them, is equally resolute and unwavering in His determination and purpose for fulfilling His plan of redemption for man. Which says that of the type of those who are of the remnant, it is of the type who are “like Father like son”. Which is as it should be. For is it not said that if you want to know who the son is, look to the father? And to be “like Father like son” is to then not only have His nature and His power, but to also have the same unwavering purpose to see the fulfilment of their Father’s plan of redemption. For to see that plan to fulfilment will require you to have both His nature and power. And this Father’s name is ELOHIM. For it was Bob Jones who said “Elohim means the Father of the Remnant”.

     So WHO exactly are the remnant? Micah 5:7 tells us, “And THE REMNANT of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD, as the showers upon the grass, that tarries not for man, nor waits for the sons of men.” So in part then, the remnant are all those who shall be “as a dew” from the LORD, a dew “amongst many people”. Where the word “dew” is one that simply oozes of “purity” and overflows with “refreshing”. A refreshing that comes right at the beginning of the new day. A refreshing that on a day coming soon, will come for a great many people. A refreshing that shall make the day of many feel like a brand new day. What an astonishing ministry! To be a dew from the LORD! Oh that we may all be filled with the dew of the LORD!

     Micah 5:7 also says that the remnant shall be “as showers upon the grass”. Which is the deep soaking that comes at the end of the day. A soaking that washes completely clean, that fully restores, that makes brand new, that invigorates and infuses with new life. And because of the great need and urgency, it’s a refreshing and a rest that tarries not nor waits for any man. For the Father’s heart is a heart full of compassion. And the Father’s love is a love that is never idle. For it is as unending as being from the dew of the early morning to the showers of the late evening.

     Which makes the remnant a type of Elohim. For they are like Father like son. Which is to be a remnant who have “walked in all the ways of their Father” (2 Kings 22:2). In other words, are they not those of whom the LORD speaks of when He says: “for you have been born again [that is, reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] not of seed which is perishable but [from that which is] imperishable and immortal, that is, through the living and everlasting word of God.” (1 Peter 1:23 AMP)? Which is to be set apart?

     But more so than this, are they not those who have allowed the incorruptible seed of Christ to mature into the fullness of Life within them? Which is to have the divine nature and eternal power of the Father (Romans 1:20). Which is to become the 100-fold sons of glory who the LORD will make His face to shine upon (Numbers 6:25)? Which is to be those who have allowed the seed to not only “forgive their sins”, but to also “heal their land”? (2 Chronicles 7:14). Which is when the seed redeems all of the land, from the secret place (30-fold), then to the inner court (together making up 60-fold), and then finally to the outer court (altogether making up a 100-fold). Spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 1:23). “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” For is it not written in Isaiah 6:1-4, that the train of Your robe fills ALL the temple (spirit, soul and body)? Which are all those in whom the Son, the Christ, shall soon be glorified.

     We are in the time of Isaiah 22:22. Which is the time of the remnant sons of God. Which is when the fullness of Christ made manifest in lives laid down as a living sacrifice unto the leading of the Spirit (Romans 8:14) shall walk in the authority of Isaiah 22:22. So that he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open. Which is to have complete authority over David’s domain, which is the city of Jerusalem, and the kingdom of Israel.

     Which on one hand will be to live and walk with the King’s authority that opens the door of “the dew of the LORD” that no man can shut. But at the same time, Micah 7:8 says this of the remnant, “And THE REMNANT of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: which, if it passes through, both treads down, and tears in pieces, and none can deliver.” Which is to be the type of sons of Elohim that what he shuts, no one shall open. Which is to live and walk in the kingdom with the authority of its King.

     For the remnant are those who have made way for their King. They have cleared their table. They have emptied their house and their diary. They have let the LORD have complete residence in the tabernacle of their heart. For from the outer court, through to the inner court and the secret place, they have said this is Your stage, LORD. This is Your show. This is Your time. And this is Your season. Fill all the spaces of me with You. Let no part of this tabernacle be occupied by anything but You. Let me be led by one thing and one thing only: by Your Spirit. Not by my emotions. Not by my will. Not by my mind. Not by my flesh. Take Your seat on Your throne. Be glorified in this vessel - spirit, soul and body. Be hallowed in this land. Be exalted in all of me. Make this body Your home. Build in me Your holy tabernacle. For on Your robe and on Your thigh a name is written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." (Revelation 19:16).

And, of Your name, it has also been written indelibly upon my heart.