The character of our praying will determine the character of our Kingdom service.
Light praying will make for superficial service.
Prayer makes Kingdom service strong, gives it unction, and makes it stick.
In every Kingdom service pregnant for good, prayer has always been a serious business.
The Kingdom servant must be preeminently a man or woman of prayer.
Our hearts must graduate in the school of prayer.
No learning can make up for a failure to pray.
No earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack.
May the church, and all its own, graduate with distinction, as Kingdom servants forged on the anvil of genuine prayer, that long may be the life of the ministry of Christ's church, that it echoes resoundingly in eternity.
And may it's harvest and abundant bounty remain permanently rich.
And may the fruit of all its glorious labours be life-giving and destiny transforming.
In Jesus” holy and hallowed name, this we ask and pray, with all prayer and supplication, for all who dwell in the house of the LORD, for all the lost, from the first to the last, from the least to the most, from sunrise to sunrise, and sunset to sunset, for the glory of the Kingdom of God, and the honour of the King, that His name may be hallowed, that His kingdom may come, and His will may be done in the hearts of all men, amen and amen.