For a start, making a statement that “the reformation is over” is like saying that man can control where the wind blows. Like any revival, the reformation is an explicit operation of "the move of the Holy Spirit". And, as such, it is the Holy Spirit, alone, who decides where and when He will or won't blow. Not by any agreement between a meeting of the minds "of man". "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8).
It is the same kind of deception that duped Adam into believing that MAN is “the alpha and the omega”, or that MAN is “the beginning and the end”, that man can sovereignly choose for himself what is right and wrong, and good and evil. But the One who truly is the Alpha and the Omega, and who is authentically "the beginning and the end" of anything, says that though a man’s heart may devise his way, it is ultimately the LORD who always has "the last say", for it is He who then directs man's steps (Proverbs 16:9). He alone will decide the beginning and the end of the reformation. And it is He, alone, who will unify the church in spirit and in truth, and overcome "all division and fragmentation".
On October 31st, in Rome, the Vatican’s Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation signed a declaration of reconciliation making the following statement: “We recognize that while the past cannot be changed, its influence upon us today can be transformed to become a stimulus for growing communion, and a sign of hope for the world to overcome division and fragmentation.” In essence, whilst this specious announcement of “the coming to the end” of the 500th commemoration of the anniversary of the Reformation may appear for some to be pleasing to the ear, at heart, it is wholly and deeply wrongfully deceptive.
For a start, making a statement that “the reformation is over” is like saying that man can control where the wind blows. It is the same kind of deception that duped Adam into believing that MAN is “the alpha and the omega”, or that MAN is “the beginning and the end”, where man can sovereignly choose for himself what is right and wrong, and good and evil. But the One who truly is the alpha and the omega, and who is authentically the beginning and the end, says that though a man’s heart may devise his way, it is the LORD who always has the last say, for it is He who then directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9).
Like many other men before, man may THINK that he can control where the wind blows, and that he can thwart God’s master plan, or that he can interrupt God’s master clock, but history has shown time and time again, from the fall of Lucifer to the fall of Adam and generations of men thereafter, all of whom are examples of men who believed that they sovereignly knew better, and that all authority began and ended with them, that there is only one, at the end of the day, who has the final say, and that is the one who has the key to the house of David. “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.” (Isaiah 22:22).
What this proposed end to the reformation IS saying is that the church should be united as one church. Everybody who agrees with this buys into this because it is only a half truth. They buy into the part that sugar coats the whole, which is that side which is the half truth. Which is why the opening statement leads with the half truth which is about the end to division and fragmentation, which is what we all want. But a half truth at the end of the day is still a complete lie. What it DOESN’T tell anyone is that what this statement is proposing is the unification of the Body of Christ “under one head”, which is what the church should be, but that “the head” of the church is effectively “a man” who speaks on behalf of the whole church, and not the rightful head who is Christ. What it proposes is a reversal of everything Christ endured at great pains on every level to accomplish, which was to remove the old pattern of getting to God through a proxy or a high priest who was a man, but where Jesus Himself is the High Priest. This unification is calling for the body to sweep aside the enormous labour of love of the one and only true head of the Church, and to once again replace it with a man, and a government of men, when God’s blueprint and model for the end time church is a church that is run by the government not of men, but of the Holy Spirit, with Christ as its head. This is a return to the model of the thoughts and ways and wisdom “of man”, as opposed to the way and the truth and the life that is sovereignly lead by and exampled by Christ, which is exactly what the insurrection of Adam represented when he chose to eat off the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And who was behind that coup d’ etat then too? None other than the real beast. And just like that move, the real beast is behind this too in more ways than one.
What do you think the whole ploy behind Satan in getting Christ crucified instead of the thief was all about? It was about removing the head from the body. Any military strategist knows that if you strike the head, the body collapses. But Jesus outsmarted the enemy. He WANTED to be crucified. And because of that, Satan’s attempt to get at the head now is through the body. Why do you think the current slew of fanatical religions insist on the removal of Christian heads by decaptitation for all those “infidels” who are in allegiance to Christ? It’s because it’s their way of attacking and undermining the God behind the pattern of the church represented by the human form, having one Head for the many parts that make up the Body that is the true church of God. It’s their way now of removing the body from the head instead. If they can’t get to the head, they will then remove the body. Which is what this move to end the reformation does once again. It removes the Body from the Head and tries to inject a man’s head in between man and the true head, being Christ, and in so doing, just like Adam before, usurp a position for man that does not belong to it. It substitutes a man as the high priest and relegates the church back to its erstwhile format of a church where man can only access God through a man, that man no longer has direct access and relationship with God. And if you don’t believe this, then why does it require a priest (who is a mere man) to declare that you are exonerated from sin? Only God can exonerate you from sin. That’s between man and the true High Priest. This new church has already decreed that it has the authority to forgive the sin of abortion and that abortion is ok. When man needs to seek his peace with his Maker, it is unto his Maker who he should turn to receive that grace. Not man. This unified church seeks to sever the umbilical between man and the Father that Jesus painstakingly laboured to reunite. It creates an artificial barrier, like a Jericho wall, between man and his direct and personal communion and community with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
God says clearly that man cannot serve two masters. The body cannot have two heads. That describes a vile aberration of function and form and nature, and a grotesque deformity that speaks to nothing but that of corruption. And who is the mastermind behind all that is corruption in this world today? Is this really something that man should be celebrating?
There can only be one head to the church. “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” (Colossians 1:18). The question we have to ask is WHO in this unified church “has preeminence”? Is it the true head, the rightful King who is Christ? Or is it the man that this declaration of reconciliation strives to appoint? This move is asking for there to effectively be two heads. Speaking of beasts, what is a body with two heads other than “a beast”? This move is the prophesied blasphemous move of Revelation 13:11-18 for the second beast, also referred to as the “false prophet”, being the counterfeit of the “true prophet”, being Christ, to rise up “out of the earth” and direct all the peoples of earth to worship the first beast.
Notice again the appeal to “heal the wound”. “Christians have wounded the Body of Christ and offended each other over the past 500 years". This declaration calls for the forgiveness of the sins against the body of the Church by the “head of the Church”. But who is man to think that man can save the body? Only the true head, Jesus, can save the body. “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body”. (Ephesians 5:23). Only Christ can save the body. Who is man to think, just like Adam, that he can save the body and declare in his own estimation and authority that abortion is legal? Effectively, the false head is not striving to HEAL the wound by sanctioning abortion. He is seeking to inflict a DEEPER WOUND. Where it seeks to remove division and fragmentation between men is only so that through the end goal of unity of the whole church it can ensure that all men are divided and fragmented from the true head by its false teaching and false prophecy.
“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3). What makes man think that he is the head of every man. The earth rotates around the sun, not the sun around the earth. Jesus is the light. He is the gravity well towards which all of mankind gravitates - one way or the other. All of our planets are held in place by the gravity of the sun (the light). Life does not revolve around man (earth), but around the Morning Star or sun that is Christ.
In Copeland’s presentation, Copeland, declared the Reformation was over. He said Pope Francis was his hero and said the Lord told him “2018 would be the year of the fire.” He knows not how right he is.