Our LORD our God, we ask and pray with all praise and thanksgiving, standing faithfully upon Mark 11:24, that You would commit every syllable of Your Word to our memory, that You would write each and every Word into our blood, that You would write them into the nucleus of every cell, and into our DNA, that they would be a living Word, a Word that lives and breathes within us, and shapes and defines who we are, just like the DNA does, that each Word would be like a breath of life, just like the breath of life that stood us up from dust.

     And from that breath of life, bring Your wind in us, Father, that we may become a new pressure cell such has never been seen before in the atmosphere that completely disrupts the weather patterns of the enemy, the prince of the air.

     May Your wind inside us become a living storm, a freak of nature, a weather phenomenon that entirely unseats the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, the spiritual wickedness in high places. That You may blow them away as smoke, and melt them like wax (Psalm 68:2).

     Make our hearts an open door. Let Your wind rush in (Luke 11:13). Come Holy Spirit, come. For a second wind is coming to individuals and to the ekklesia, and it is coming through the open door.