The story of the prodigal son is not about the unsaved only. It’s about every son and daughter who has not yet finished the race. For the race is only finished in the third trimester of our spiritual pilgrimage back home. Which is only finished when we enter the promised land. Which is the third leg of the three-stage journey for all that is (1) narrow is the gate (salvation), (2) difficult is the way (discipleship) that (3) leads to life that few find (manifested sonship). (Matthew 7:14).

Three stages. Salvation. Discipleship. Manifest sonship.

Which is why there are three categories of Christians as given in Mark 4:28 — 30-fold, 60-fold, 100-fold.

Which is why there are also three salvations as given in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 — spirit (30-fold, salvation); soul (60-fold, discipleship); and body (100-fold; manifest sonship).

     For was Jesus not (1) baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit and fire (saved)? Did He not then (2) walk in the “difficult way” that is to deny Himself, take up His Cross, and follow the will and way of His Father that is obedience even unto death of self (discipleship)? And was Jesus (3) then not raised to life before all of creation as a manifested son and then ascended into heaven into the presence of His Father (entered the promised land)? Which is the prize of the UPWARD calling in Christ for all (Philippians 3:14)? Being the prize that is the “crown of glory” that is the glorified body (Philippians 3:21) for all the manifested sons who have died to self, by having been made known to them “the ways” of life — which are the “three ways of discipleship” that lead to life of (1) denying self (2) taking up their cross, and (3) following Him (Matthew 16:24) — that they may enter the joy of the presence of the LORD (Acts 2:28).

     For was the path of the people of God of Israel not the same three stage journey? Which as in life, there are three stages of maturity? And as in the womb, there are three trimesters of maturity? Did they not (1) leave the captivity of Egypt through the “narrow gate” by the hand of the LORD (salvation)? And did they not then (2) walk in the “difficult way” of faith and obedience of the Red Sea crossing and wilderness crossing? And (3) did then only two out of the twelve — representing the twelve tribes of Israel or the full house of God — not then finish the race and enter “the life that few find” (only two found it) of manifest sonship (Joshua and Caleb). Which is to enter “the life” that is the promised land (being to enter the house of the Father)? For having been “made known to them the ways of life”, by entering the house of the Father means to enter “the joy of the presence of God” (Acts 2:28)? “You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence.’” (Acts‬ ‭2:28‬). Which is to finish the race. For is a prize not only eligible if you have finished the race?

     For did the account of the prodigal son not describe a son who likewise embarked on a three-stage journey of (1) turning his back on the pig trough of the world and pig slop of wine, woman and song (repentance unto salvation)? And who then (2) denying himself, next embarked on the difficult way of the long journey home (discipleship)? And (3) then entered the joy of the presence of his father by being, FIRST, wrapped with the coat of the glorified body of the manifest sons before, NEXT, being received into the house of his father for the meal of celebration (the life of the promised land). Which is to finish the race.

     Which follows the pattern of the parable of the three loaves as given in Luke 11:5-13. Since the man in the parable who needed bread asked for three loaves, it portrays to us that he was not going to be satisfied with the 30 or 60 fold stages of Christian experience, but wanted that "third loaf - the 100 fold estate. Only the 100-fold will be translated into the heavenly realm to be with Christ. For is our Father’s house not in heaven? which is when the bread of life (three loaves) has completed its perfect work (1 Thessalonians 5:24; Psalm 138:8). Did the father of the prodigal son not run to meet his son that he may RECEIVE him into his house? Did Jesus not say that He returns to His Father’s house that He may receive us where He is? Did Jesus not say that He returns to prepare a place for us in His Father’s house? And that his Father’s house has many rooms? Why have many rooms unless, as with the father who received unto himself and his house the prodigal son, He plans to receive unto Himself MANY sons and daughters? For is it not written that Jesus is the first born of MANY sons and daughters?

     — BUT, it is only those who take not their hand off the plough, and who, like the wise virgins, finish the race, who shall be received unto Him in His Father’s house as manifest sons. For out of the letter to Smyrna in the mystery of seven candlesticks, the LORD says “And even as I was made alive after death, so would I quicken to life all who laid down their lives in death: FIRST in the eternal realms of the soul, and FINALLY in the resurrection of the physical body.”

Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."” (Luke 9:62).

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).