Father, I am weak, and You are strong,

I am poorly, and You are not,

I am dependent on You, and You are not,

I am everything, that You are not,

And yet, I am everything that You are.


By Your grace and mercy, I am all that You are,

For I am born of You, and Your Spirit,

I am one with Your heart, and mind, and will,

I am an extension of You,

Of Your will and Your ways.


Lead me to pastures forever green,

And to waters always true,

Let me never fall into the famine of despair or dismay,

But lift me up,

For I am a child of God.


Establish me upon the Rock of life,

And fill me, with Your truth, and love everlasting,

That from this tree You have planted,

Its fruit may be plentiful and true,

A living witness and testimony to our great Father in heaven.


For You have declared that by our fruit, we shall all be known,

So let us be known by Your fruit, alone,

For then we shall know that we are Yours,

And that You are ours,

And that we are as one,

Like Father like son.