There is a civil war coming in the church. And it's going to divide the church right down the middle. A line is going to be drawn between good and evil, and right and wrong. It's going to polarize those who call the good work and operation of the Holy Spirit as evil, (being all those who call "evil good and good evil"), from those whose thoughts and ways are not only of the “nature of God", but that do not “exalt themselves above the knowledge of God”. It's a line that is going to be drawn in the sand. “On that day, His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west forming a great valley (a line in the sand), with half of the mountain (the church) moving north and half moving south (right down the middle)." (Zechariah 14:4). “In that day will I make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in sheaves; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 12:6).

This line in the sand will be drawn by the same hand that, once before, bent down to draw a line in the sand between those who were “following Christ” from those who represent “the religious order of the church of the Pharisees", (a religious order that is still alive and well in the church today), being all those who brought the woman caught in adultery with their hands armed with stones to cast the first stone. For think not that their only motive was to entrap and ensnare Jesus (discredit Him). They also came with every intention to stone her. For why else come with stones? For by their own works (the stones) they wanted to show their holiness to the watching world. Those ways and days have still not left the church. They still abound with great zeal and fervour. For even today, there are those in the church who live to catch and entrap, who delight in fault finding, who seek to trip up rather than win over. Who are not motivated by seeing “the absolute best God has for all mankind” being made manifest in one other. For theirs is the nature of weeds. "And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up and CHOKED them" (Matthew 13:7). Which are the very same ways and nature of the serpent. Like the spirit of the accuser of the brethren, they live to suffocate, stifle and ensnare, and to kill, steal and destroy through the forked tongue of condemnation and accusation.

A great civil war is coming. The prophetic parable of "the wheat and the tares" sets the scene and context for this civil war perfectly. A civil war is a war that takes places within the borders and constraints of the same state or country. So it’s a war between the civilians and citizens of the same sovereignty. In the parable, the wheat and the tares “abide alongside each other", depicting that they abide amongst one another within "the same commonwealth" or constituency (the church). Eventually, however, over time, it is their "image and likeness" that will reveal the one from the other. When wheat is fully mature, the image and likeness of wheat is to bow over under its own weight. However, the image and likeness of weeds is to stand up tall and straight, head and shoulders “above the wheat”. Whereas the wheat is bent over, representing "humility", being the badge of honour in the kingdom, the weeds, on the other hand, stand straight and tall, depicting the posture and stiff-necked rigour of “the righteousness of pride". "You are a stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You ALWAYS RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT, just as your fathers did." (Acts 7:51). Whilst the weeds represent the image and likeness of the Pharisees who, to this day, still seek to exalt themselves in the church, in much the same way that the Son made Himself "of no reputation", who made Himself "least" so that His Father in heaven would always be exalted instead, the wheat in God's end time church represents those who take on the image and likeness of "the sons" of God, being those who "submit and surrender" to the authority of their Father, being those who are led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14). For a son is always one who is beneath the authority of his Father. And who always seeks for his Father's name to be hallowed. And for His Father's kingdom to come. And for His Father's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

A great shaking is upon us all (Haggai 2:6-7). And it is bringing a new day. And as with any new day, it is a sunrise for some and a sunset for others. And before the great cloud of witnesses, this shaking will shake all the fruit from every tree for all in heaven and earth to see. For the great and supreme wisdom of the Father says that for both those who "are true" and for those who "are false", all will be known "by their fruit". And when that shaking comes, by the evidence of what that great shaking reveals, all will be known "by their fruit". For it is in the “nature" of trees to produce fruit. There is "no performance" in it. It's what "comes naturally". So by that same yardstick, whatever fruit is revealed by the great shaking will be what fruit is of each one's "nature". When it comes to those who DO NOT resist the Holy Spirit, being those who are not the stiff-necked people of Acts 7:51, their fruits will by nature be the fruits of the Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control." (Galatians 5:22-23). Those who come in the name of the LORD, bearing the fruit of the stones of self-righteous indignation, who mock the very thing Jesus holds most dear, which are the precious souls of all who are lost, for He is the God who leaves the ninety nine to go after the one who is lost, God's word never returns void. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20). For in the same way that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10), so too does all of heaven mourn when one soul is lost. And those in the church who are like the weeds, whose fruit is to sneer at the likes of "Stephen Hawking", who mock and ridicule the likes of "Winnie Mandela", their time will come and is coming. For that is not the fruit of love, joy, peace or any of the other fruits of the nature of the Spirit. Instead, they are the fruits of the nature of those who "put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter". And by their fruits they shall be known. For theirs is not the nature, nor the heart, nor the love, of the one who came not to condemn, but to save, whose "will is that none should perish, but that all should stand up in the last day" (John 6:39). For those who mock and jeer at the lost as a celebration, there is no life of Christ in them. For His cup is a cup full of tears. He is a man of many sorrows. Where is their sorrow?

Since the fall of mankind, we have been in a epic war of souls, where it's a battle for "one soul at a time". That's how high the stakes are. EVERY soul is precious. Not one soul is to be lost. For God our Father, there is no such worldly notion as "collateral damage" in the war for the real estate of the hearts and souls of mankind. The enemy of man's heart and soul abides not only outside the walls of Jerusalem, but also encamps on the inside, like the trojan horse of Troy. More evil has been perpetrated by organised religion than by any other man-made atrocity. For amongst those on the inside, the church is where we find those whose "very first resort" it is to throw the first stone. They delight in “their appearance of piety” by being able to point out the wickedness and folly and error of men. They think this makes them righteous. They take it upon themselves to do what God has reserved exclusively for Himself. And in doing so, like Adam, where God said, "The man has now become like one of us" (Genesis 3:22), they have made themselves like gods. Those who think it demonstrates their fealty to God, that it highlights their own piety when they gloat over the loss of human souls, are as dry and empty as dead bones. They feel that they need to "prove themselves", and they do that by pointing out error. But there is no performance in the divine nature. The apple tree doesn't worry about its performance because it's in its nature to produce apples. In the same way, the fruits of the Spirit will come naturally if the nature is of the divine nature. There is no element of performance. For the minute there is performance, it is not of God. Those who seek to accuse and catch-out and mock are those caught in the religious eddy of performance. Who are all those who bring the religious spirit of "those who accused and judged Jesus" and wanted to stone even Jesus into the church.

If you think you have enemies, wait until those on the inside of the church rear their heads. Just like the weeds do above those of the wheat, which is to exalt themselves above others. Which is the opposite of the model of Jesus who "made Himself least". Wait until they raise their hands up (self-exaltation) in the "posture of self importance" to smite you with their own stones, being the words of derision and scorn and accusation. Which are not the words of Jesus. Which at ALL times are "spirit" and "life" (John 6:63). Which are absent from those who resist the Holy Spirit who is “spirit” and “life”. Within the church today, the "insider threat" is even more insidious and malevolent than the "external adversary". For the insider foe is supposed to be a fellow brother, someone you can trust to have "the nature of the Father", being those whose fruit is "the fruit of the Spirit". But just like Judas was on the inside, the ones who inflict the most damage are the ones on the inside. When the civil war comes, which it will, and for which the foundations have already been laid, the weeds will soon become your most avid of enemies. The weeds in the church will take great offense at those who delight in the move and the power of the Holy Spirit. For move He must and move He will. For Joel 2:28-29 tell us that He will. For where darkness and evil increase, which are the increasing signs of the times all about us, so too must the light. Which requires a move of the Holy Spirit to counter the move of darkness. But they that resist the move and workings of the Holy Spirit are they who call good evil and evil good. They will accuse and slander and defame you. They will use Facebook and the Internet to discredit you, and to shout from the rooftops that you have lost the plot. It has already begun. “Babylon” is the pride and arrogance and the haughtiness of man who exalts his own knowledge above the knowledge of God, which is any knowledge devoid of the Holy Spirit. And “Egypt” is the flesh and all the lusts thereof, where the lusts thereof are always at enmity with the Spirit. Which are those who even today resist the Holy Spirit, who resist the good works of the Helper who Jesus sent AFTER He arose, not BEFORE, meaning He sent the Holy Spirit for THIS season and time, being the season that FOLLOWS the crucifixion of Christ, being those who establish their own doctrine that suffocates the body and holds the hearts and minds of those beside them in the field of God's glory completely captive, like weeds that choke and turn the field of "the army of God" into a "graveyard of dead bones" (Ezekiel 37).

So great is the deception, that instead of ascending "the high hill of God", men go down into "the valley of Babylon", and adorn themselves in religion and piety, and truly believe that they have come unto the place where Jesus is the only thing there is. For in Babylon, the Spirit of God most definitely cannot be found, not only because God keeps no company with darkness, but because Mount Zion is "the mountain" of the LORD's temple (Micah 4:1). They are shaken to anger at the suggestion that this, their Babylon, is not of Jesus, that He is not there. For Jesus is where the Spirit is. Which is in the high hill of Mount Zion. For "In the last days, THE MOUNTAIN of the LORD's temple will be established as the highest of the mountains" (Isaiah 2:2). But just like when Moses came down from the mountain, the Israelites had built an idol of a fatted calf. A thing is an idol when men have put their trust and love in it. In the same way today, men have built the idol of the fatted calf at the bottom of the mountain. The word becomes an idol when it remains the law, not the living truth that sets us free. It only becomes the living truth that sets us free when the Holy Spirit that inspired it also reveals the way and the truth and the life of the word. Today, men have put their trust in the law, not in the God of the law, just like the Pharisees and the Sadducees did. Which is a doctrine without the Holy Spirit. Which is a false gospel. They have turned the word into an idol. Just as the religious spirit of the Pharisees built their social systems and social hierarchies, and their institutional structures by looking to "the law" of the word only, and not to "the Person" behind the law, being the same Spirit that makes it the living Word when the written word comes alive in man's understanding and heart, those who resist the Holy Spirit, who reject the gifts of the Spirit and the move of the Spirit look only to the law, they make disciples unto themselves, of themselves, for themselves of a false gospel.

And just like the Pharisees expected you to call them "Rabbi", the weeds in today's church will be those religious spirits who also expect you to call them "father", to exalt "their names", to look "to them" (instead of to Christ), to build the religious institutions centred on the "the headship of man", just like the harlot church has, when the God of the true gospel is clear that there is only one Father. "Do not call ANYONE on earth your father; for One is your Father, who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9). "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi", for you have one Teacher, and you are ALL BROTHERS." (Matthew 23:8). And if you don't call them father, and if you don’t call them Rabbi, then just like the Pharisees, they will turn on you as quickly as the Rabbi’s turned on Jesus and His followers. The next move of the Holy Spirit will be like experiencing a spiritual critical mass. For the Holy Spirit is always moving. And move He does, for love is not idle. Which is also why the LORD says we will be judged for every idle word. Unlike the words of the religious (the Pharisees), as sons, our words need to be seeds of spirit and of life, liberty and love. If we are not moving when that latter rain comes, we will be left behind. Which is why Lot’s wife was chastised for looking backwards. If we keep looking backwards towards the insults and accusations of those in the church who beset us, if we keep going back to past hurts, arguments, we are not moving forward. We are standing still. And if we are standing still when the Holy Spirit is moving, we are effectively going backwards. For those who would seek to entice you into the religious argument, through accusation and insult, these are the side eddies and the distractions that will keep you engaged with what is already behind the Holy Spirit. The way of the LORD is a running river, which is always moving forward. It can't go backwards.

But just like the Rabbi's back then couldn't move forward when the Messiah came to introduce His winds of change upon His first coming, the weeds in the house of God will not be able to move forward either when those who trust in the Word of God move with Joel 2:28-29. For the weeds refuse to venture behind the veil to the Person behind the written word. Why did God say He has torn the veil if there is no veil? What do you think a veil does? It hides something behind it? It separates. What do you think is behind the veil? We seem to have such difficulty crossing this veil. And yet, the ones who tell us that we shouldn't cross the veil are the ones who shout the loudest that we are to trust the word and only the word in all things. But yet when it comes to the word, they can't seem to move across the veil of trusting the word for what it says. They deny and resist the Holy Spirit to their own disadvantage, for Jesus clearly said that it is to our advantage that the Helper comes. And because of this, if they could, just like the Rabbi's back then, they would plot to kill you. For their hands are full of stones. For those who abide and move in the Holy Spirit, being the sons of God, have become what they cannot become, which is free. Because just like the Pharisees, they cannot let go of what they have. Which is their idol. They love it more than life. Which without the Holy Spirit is the harlot of the fallen nature of man that has taken its rule in the church. For just like the Pharisees, the harlot nature pursues not love, but self-aggrandizement, being those same men like the Pharisees seeking to increase themselves in flocks. They count numbers and glory in them. They own their own sheep and call them God's. Yet, very soon, it shall all be taken from them anyway. When the great shaking comes. Which is when the line will once again be drawn in the sand. But as for me and my household, our Lord will prepare for us a table in the presence of our enemies. And you shall see them, all about us, for they stand tall, like weeds. For it is the "Spirit" behind the Word that I hunger for. It is the "Spirit" behind the law that I desire. It is “the truth” behind the word, it is “the way” behind the word, it is “the life” behind the word, that I earnestly seek. For it was for this reason that the veil was rent. For beyond the veil is "the Person" behind the word. And the word is not an end in itself. It points to that Person. For the word IS the veil that has now been rent, that the hearts and minds of man may come unto Jesus.

Take me behind the veil, LORD, to meet the LORD God my Maker. Tear away the veils of man-made religion, and of the doctrines of man, of the harlot church, that seek to keep us all at arms length from You. You have torn the heavens open that we may abide once again in Your presence, and against Your bosom, and that we may all come, and all come freely.

“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk IN HIM, rooted and built up IN HIM and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For IN HIM dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete IN HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians‬ ‭2:6-10‬)

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:17).
