If, as some are sometimes perhaps inclined and tempted, we have possibly thought of the notion of love as wishy-washy or largely elusive, and by doing so, we have then also regarded the love of Jesus as either unreal or as far-fetched fabrication, then we have failed entirely to comprehend the immeasurable magnitude of the depth and height and width and length of His extravagantly real heart and His astonishingly far-reaching love.

     Love is not only real, but it is as deep as it is wide. For it is at once, both effortlessly and seamlessly, ferocious and gentle. We can see this reality in all walks and examples of life. For example, at any given time, a lioness mother is both gently nurturing at times, as well as extravagantly and violently opposed to anything that would threaten the livelihood and love of its cubs at other times. This elastic continuum can be explained as the dynamic nature of the love of any living thing. When either promoting or preserving what is love and what is loved, without cessation or interruption, both modes are the expression and accomplishment of the very same love.

     in the expansive continuum between the posture of the heart of “the peaceable Jesus of the Gospels", and the posture of the heart of “the all-conquering Jesus of Revelation", we see not polar opposites and contradictions of love, but instead the "all-embracing rigour" and the "far-reaching fervour" of the heart and charter of “the same” original and authentic love. And we see also a love that is neither fleeting or hollow, but a love both solid and all-embracing, and a heart not only whole, but one entirely perfect.

      The continuous spectrum that is the singularity of a love sweeping fluidly between the gentleness of "the meek sufferer" who came "as a lamb" upon a donkey to bind up the broken-hearted, and the power of "the all-conquering King" approaching​​​​​ "as the lion of Judah" on a white stallion, prevailing without quarter or exception against every foe of love being both fully expressed and accomplished, gainfully frames love in all of its expansive entirety. For since it said that "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1), there comes a time and a season when love itself must draw from the vast reserves of its deep well all the strength of resolve and all the gallantry of nobility fused as one, to oppose every thing and anything that would exalt itself against the knowledge and the purpose and the priority of love.

     So if perchance you still think of love as shallow, forget not that He who represents and frames love in all its vivid colours and attire is the same He who commands all who represent and champion love to ‘be strong and of a good courage.’ The unity between the image of One approaching meekly on a donkey with the image of the same One approaching valiantly on a white stallion with sword and an iron will, treading the winepress of apocalyptic fierceness and vigour, reflects the integrity and virtue of an original love in all it's glory.

     "In Him resides the heroism of unflinching prophets and the pure nobility of martyrs in supreme degree" (Unknown). In Him, we see the completeness and wholeness of true love, a love that is neither shallow nor superficial. And His name is "Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). And in Him is love made perfect.

"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war” (Revelation 19:11). For since there is a season and a time for everything under heaven, there is a time coming, and it is coming soon, when He who is the author (the lamb) and finisher (the lion) of love will make war, in righteousness, on everything and everyone who stands contrary to and opposed to living and walking in the communion and community of a love made perfect.

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

