Words are just words.
Or are they?
Words are the emboldened envoys of revelation and truth. They are the archetypal architects of brilliance and reason, and the assembly of all understanding, knowledge and wisdom. They are the sharp steel that pries the lucid mind awake. They are the very handshake of two souls colliding, and the effervescent echo of man's whispering spirit. For without the existence of words, it would never be that one soul its neighbour could delightfully ever come to know. Nor that two spirits could ever dance in the grand symphony of the singularity of intimacy. Yes, for some, words are just words. Yet, for others, words are the profound essence of everything and all that is life.
In fact, words are the very foot soldiers of God's feet stamping out His will in the dust of our lives. It is only by the quintessential substrate of words, both pregnant with intention, and buoyed by the enduring furnace of a Father's love, that the unmistakable relish of our Father's heart might softly land upon the expectant palate of our souls. In God's wonderful design for intimacy, He has made provision that even our minds can be touched. Words are the harbingers of the most cherished and sublime of all intimacies: "the communion and abiding presence of God". Words possess the remarkable distinction of being able to deeply touch our mind, leaving the lifelong fingerprints of their physical contact upon that which cannot be held or seen, by the gentle caress of hands that remain both unseen and invisible.
It is of words we specifically speak when we decribe the twin attributes of simultaneously making both their "presence" and their "absence" poignantly felt by the heart of man. Words are entirely weightless, yet can both lift and pursuade the hearts and minds of an entire nation. Words have the forceful determination of will to fully pursuade even the permissive mercy of God. Words are the finest craftsmanship ever created. They are a feat and the epitome of all that is engineering. They are the appointed ambassadors of our treasured togetherness and communion with the very Creator of all that is the universe. They are the finely tuned instruments that personally express and accomplish the desires and decrees of God. For they are both spirit and life (John 6:63-70).
It is by the very insistence, integrity and substance of words prepared upon the anvil of prayer, that our petitions yet become known and ministered to. In fact, it was by the three words alone of "IT IS DONE" that the age-old veil was finally forever rent, and by which the relentless adversary of death forever lost it's once-sovereign sting. Words are the priceless currency of God's matchless heart. They are the very scaffolding by which He establishes the precious edifice of man's entire trust. It was by the mere utterance of His spoken Word that God framed the vast heavens and the earth. Think upon the magnitude of the integrity of such a word, that immediately upon its pregnant release from incubation into brilliant conception, it rested not until the very last star that punctuates the outermost heavens nestled in its place.
Such is the stock that God places upon words. It is by His written Word that He counsels the hearts and lives of man. It is by the living Word that God dwells amongst His people, and succours both their deepest thirst and hunger. Words are the inauguration and birthing point of the ministration of all those who are individually called and hand-picked to be prophetic. In fact, words are the forerunners of all who come to live and walk in the office of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Words are thoroughly indispensable to all that is and has become the voice of God expressed through the mouthpiece of man. And it is by these words so breathed that God continues His written promise and heart-felt declaration to never leave you nor forsake you.
For it is said that by our fruits we will be known. For this reason, and every reason above, we are to consider the hallowed sanctity of words. For they are yet the evidence of every name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." — (Luke 10:20)
For it is the Word that always has the final say. And so it has been from the very beginning. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)
- To God be all the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
- Blessings, Wayne Biehn