“It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God” - Romans 8.16


Being a Christian also has its own competency model. A "carnal Christian" is one who, although he has been given a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26), he still looks to his soul (mind, emotions, will) to guide his life, his choices, his behaviour.

     Have you ever heard of the often used expression "second nature"? The dictionary definition of second nature is "a habit or tendency that is so deeply ingrained as to appear automatic." This same definition also tells us that second nature is "a habit", which also means that, initially, it is neither natural or automatic. It is something that has to be progressively learned over time. Over time, it eventually becomes what appears to be natural or automatic by force of a deeply ingrained habit. 


     Another description is that "second nature" is a final destination known as "unconscious competence". Before we get there, however, the human competency model suggests that we all start at a place referred to as "unconscious incompetence". Over time, our self-awareness leads us to a place known as "conscious incompetence". The next step in the formation of the habit, or competency that is second nature, is to progress to the third stage, known as "conscious competence". And lastly, we arrive at "unconscious competence", or that place of habit or competence that is so deeply ingrained, that it appears automatic. This is second nature.


     Being a Christian also has its own competency model. A "carnal Christian" is one who, although he has been given a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26), he still looks to his soul (mind, emotions, will) to guide his life, his choices, his behaviour. He seeks to please his soul with the things of the world. However, the whole point of the new spirit is to overcome the fallen nature of man's spirit, which is, until then, completely dead to God. The new spirit resides deep within, and is now alive to God. So, instead of turning to our own mind and knowledge for counsel, and to the world for gratification, we are to look within, and listen to the voice of God. 


      The voice of God speaks to us through the new spirit. Our spirit is a different organ to that of the mind or the soul. Many are the children of God who turn to themselves, or to their souls, to determine whether they have peace, grace or spiritual progress. But the Word says, “It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God” - Romans 8.16Man’s spirit is the place where man works together with God. How do we know we have been born anew, and that we are, therefore, children of God? We know this because our inner man (spirit) has been quickened, and the Holy Spirit now dwells within. Our spirit is a regenerated, a renewed one. 


     However, He who dwells within us is very distinct from this new spirit, and is, in fact, the Holy Spirit. And the two of them bear witness together. So, if we die to self (that is, stop listening to the soul), which is stimulated via our senses by the things of the world, and instead, rather focus inwardly, our new spirit (the regenerated spirit) will abide in (have relationship with) both the presence and the counsel of the Holy Spirit, who is our friend, as well as the helper who Jesus said would come. And when we look to Him, via our spirit, as opposed to the world, via our souls, this is when we find the peace that surpasses all understanding, and joy that cannot be quenched. 


     When we stay deaf and insensitive to the Holy Spirit via our own regenerated spirits, this is where the term "do not grieve the Spirit" comes from. "Grieve" is different from "anger". Grieve is a thing of love. When we do not listen or speak to the indwelling Holy Spirit, but rather look to ourselves, and our minds and emotions, we hurt or grieve the Holy Spirit. Abiding in the spirit, or listening and having relationship with the Holy Spirit, not only pleases the Holy Spirit, but it is like learning to walk as a child. However, instead of as babies in the flesh, it is as babies in the spirit. It's a process, and it takes time and practice. 


     And just like walking has become second nature, living in the spirit also becomes second nature. In fact, it IS our second nature, as we have taken on the new and left behind the old. A "carnal Christian", therefore, is really he who keeps the "first nature", the nature of the "first Adam", as opposed to taking on the "second nature", being the nature of the "second Adam". When the second nature becomes second nature, we have moved into the realm of "unconscious competence", or the deeply ingrained habit of automatically hearing and abiding in the Holy Spirit, as opposed to walking in the flesh. 



"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 

- 2 Corinthians 5:17 -


     Eli, Eli, my God, my God, may Your grace abound plentifully, that as sons and daughters of God, as men and women of God, as soldiers and generals of God, and servants and stewards of the Kingdom, we may all walk in unconscious competence in deeply ingrained habit of constant communion with the Holy Spirit. May the second nature become second nature to all of us. May the Kingdom nature be our daily bread and our daily garment. This I humbly ask with thanksgiving, in the hallowed and holy name of Christ Jesus, for all Your own, and all my own, amen and amen.


- To God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be all the glory. Forever and ever. Amen and amen.

- Blessings, Wayne Biehn