The essence of the teaching of the entire Bible is the coming of the Kingdom of God in all its glory unto the earth.
For the essence of the teaching of the Bible is the establishment of the reign of Heaven in the earth, until the entire earth is joined in perfect union and communion to the heavenly realms, and they, and all who are in it, become as one. Unto a perfect man. One body, and one Head. Complete and perfect, lacking nothing.
Which is when all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).
Which is when the need and privation of a fallen and corrupt mankind, and an earth impoverished by the ruin of the Fall, shall run head first into the immense and generous will of the Father, so that just as His good and acceptable and perfect will is always done in heaven, so may it likewise be perfectly done on earth.
Which is when dreams become true. For “Jacob had a dream about a ladder that rested on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven, and God’s angels were going up and down the ladder.” Genesis 28:12.
So that by the angels of God ascending and descending by a great ladder that reaches from earth to heaven, that a perpetual intercourse between the will of the Father should now be opened between heaven and earth, through the medium of Christ.
Which is not only the glory of God made manifest in the flesh, so that the divine nature and eternal power of God may be tasted, touched, heard, seen and smelled in all the land, but so that by the will of the Father, He may not only forgive the sins of all those who are called by His name, but so that He may also heal their land.
For the land of promise is the land of the Kingdom of God where God’s gifts shall flow in abundance and the Body of Christ shall be fully liberated from every device of the enemy. Which, just like when the Word became flesh, is when the Kingdom of God becomes flesh. For are we not members of His body, and of His flesh and bones? Ephesians 5:30.
Which is when His people who are called by His name shall be fully built up and edified by that which every joint and member of His body, being the divine nature and eternal power of the Word made flesh, freely and naturally supplies.