We are ALL called to be giant slayers....
For “the giant” that we all need to slay —so that we may all be worthy of being “an overcomer” — is none other than our own flesh!
And what a true giant the flesh really is!
Which is why David personifies all those who, by going to war against the giant in our lives, please the LORD.
For it is those who overcome “the beast” of the flesh, being “the offspring” of the spirit of the fallen deceiver, who God then views as being “the apple of His eye”.
And just like David took the sword and removed the head of Goliath, the goal for every overcomer is to sever the head of the great giant that is the loud voice of our own flesh.
For is it not written that the sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit?
We are to all confront our own giant within so that it’s voice may no longer be heard in the land of our heart.
Which is to face our own Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, being the city of the pride and idolatry of the flesh, and refuse to bow down to its image.
We are all called to be giant slayers, so that by removing the head of our flesh (for its thirst is to be the head, being a hunger to reign and rule, and there can only be one Head), the giant of our flesh may be forever silenced.