Of what good is the most glorious temple of all if God is not in it? And if He IS in it, then it will not be the temple that will capture our attention, regardless of how glorious it may be.

     This tells us quite simply that we waste our enterprise and our time attempting to build anything other than the “living temple” of God. This plainly says that instead of seeking to build institutions and monuments that feed a spirit that pursues a church built on human alliances and personal fame, we should be seeking to build a church that is powered by the Spirit of the manifest presence of God. Not social hierarchies and political edifices that luminate and glorify the elite of churchdom and their ministries. The church structure and organisation is not the end goal. The kingdom is. Unless you are building for the kingdom, you build in vain, for you build what moth and rust will surely destroy. For forget not that the church is not about the buildings and accolades, but about being a spiritual womb for the bride. For the King shall have His bride. And when that bride comes of age, the church age will have done its part. Which is merely a precursor to the kingdom age. Which is that same kingdom that Jesus spoke of when He said, “Thy Kingdom come.” Where the “kingdom” is the dominion of the king. Not of man and his ministry and accolades and human affiliates. Not his political agenda for power and status by human alliances and affiliations and religious titles. And when that Kingdom comes, and come it will, the church as a monument to man will cease to exist. The church of man will be survived by the kingdom of God.

     Hebrews tells us that He who speaks from heaven will shake everything that can be shaken in prepara­tion for the full inauguration of the Kingdom which cannot be shaken. ““Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews‬ ‭12:27-29‬. That all-consuming fire is going to consume every social, political, religious and economic system of man, both inside the church, and outside the church. For unless that which has been built has been built for the honour and the glory of the King of the kingdom, then just like Babylon, it will fall when the voice that speaks from heaven shakes absolutely everything and everyone that can and will be shaken. For His Son shall have His kingdom.

     And whilst the devil offered it to Him the easy way, He honoured His Father in heaven, and He refused to cut corners and take it the easy way. And as such, we are entering “the third day” where just like He rose on the third day, He is now once more rising on the third day to take His position as King of kings, in the right way, and at the right time. Which is when He comes for His bride. In Exodus 19:11, 15-16, 20, it says that it was at the BEGINNING of the THIRD DAY that God CAME DOWN on Mount Sinai. This was after Moses was commanded by God to sanctify the people and cause them to wash their clothes for two days as a preparation (Exodus 19:10-11, 14). We know that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8). During the last two days (two thousand years) our "Moses" (Jesus Christ) has been PREPARING A PEOPLE for His coming DOWN or RETURN to this earth, by doing a sanctifying (separating) work in them and by causing them to be cleansed "with the washing of water by the WORD" (Ephesians 5:26). And what we also know is that we are now at the beginning of that third day.

     So when the shaking begins, expect that with that shaking, it will also bring the coming of the great King unto His kingdom. Seek the Lord whilst He may still be found.
