In the kingdom of God, it’s never been about who’s better than the next. It’s not a competition. For the culture of love knows no inkling of pride. Nor does it speak the vocabulary of envy. Instead, it ONLY seeks the very best for each of us, and is ALWAYS looking out for the next person. For its ethos is FAMILY.

     Having said that, while there is never a spirit of competition, God is always calling us both higher and deeper. For He wants the best for each of us. So whilst it’s not a matter of who is better than the next, we are always able to go deeper and higher. And just how high and just how deep is up to us. For doesn’t God say, “IF you draw near to Me, I will draw near to you”? (James 4:8). In other words, that IF is our invitation to take the initiative.

      So whilst there is no “culture of competition” in the kingdom of God, there is always a case for one person going deeper and higher than the next. But have you ever wondered how can I go deep and high at the same time? Isn’t that counter intuitive? And yet, we can. For the twin directions of growing for any tree are simultaneously both “upwards and downwards”. And are we not called to be “trees of righteousness”? Which is a “planting of the LORD for the display of his splendour”? (Isaiah 61:3).

      And is it not also true that how high a tree ultimately grows is very much linked to how deep it roots also go down? And is this not why the Lord our God is always extending an invitation to both come up higher and to come in deeper? For is it not written that “deep calls unto deep”? (Psalm 42:7). And is it not written, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the UPWARD CALL of God in Christ Jesus”? (Philippians 3:14).

     And does the Word of God not speak of digging our tent pegs in deeper? And of enlarging our tent and stretching out the curtain of our dwelling? Which is to not only dig “the roots of our relationship with God” in deeper and deeper, but to also raise (take higher) our capacity for the indwelling presence and intimacy of God? “Enlarge the site of your tent, stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not hold back. Lengthen your ropes and drive your stakes deep.” (Isaiah 54:2).

     And of those who dig their roots in deep, is it not written: “He will be like a tree planted by the waters that sends out its roots toward the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes, and its leaves are always green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease to produce fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:8). For is a tree of righteousness not a tree that produces fruit of righteousness? “Being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:11). Which are the good works that God planned for us before time to release the seeds of His righteousness into all the earth?

     In Psalm 18:33 and 2 Samuel 22:34, it says: "He makes my feet like hinds' feet, And sets me on my HIGH PLACES.” And is it not said in Isaiah 2:2, that the mountain of the LORD’s house is higher than any other mountain? “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.” Does this not mean that if we seek God’s face, we are to seek it in the high places?

     And for those who thirst for the deep waters of God, and who seek His face in the high places, is there not a pattern of God blessing His sons based on His own measure of their thirst and hunger? Which is with “ALL our heart”? “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13). Which is only to be measured by looking “to the heart of man”? (1 Samuel 16:7). Which is to those “who fear the Lord” and “who seek His face”?

     For is it not true that even though Reuben was the first-born of many sons, and was therefore first in line to receive the birthright, that because of his sin (he did not fear the LORD), the father’s birthright was not offered to him? And is it also not true that even though Simeon was the second son in line, that because he failed to hear the Word of the Lord (did not seek His face), that the birthright was also not given to him? Even so, through all of the sons, until we come to Joseph.

     For is it not the case that out of all the sons, because Joseph was the one who feared the Lord and walked in His ways, that the birthright was given to him? Just like with David. Which is shown by the favour and blessing God places upon those who fear Him and seek His face (who go deeper and higher than the next)?

Lead us, O Father, forever true,

Into the everlasting of Your love profound...