It is at the culmination of the journey of dying to self on the cross that we see the miracle of life emerge. For just like God said of the first Adam, it is not good for man to be alone, and from his rib, He gave the first Adam a helpmeet (Genesis 2:18), did the water and blood not flow from the rib of Jesus? And is it not from that water and blood that God has made a way for the last Adam to also not be alone? That from His rib He may receive unto Himself His own Eve, the bride of Christ?

And was the Eve of the first Adam not flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones. And shall the Eve of the last Adam not likewise be flesh of His flesh and bones of His bones? From His pierced side He shall receive His helpmeet in the great harvest. For is it not written, “The Spirit AND the bride say, "Come!" And let the one who hears say, "Come!" Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes, take the free gift of the water of life.” (Revelation 22:17).

Is it also not written that the labourers are FEW but the harvest is PLENTY? (Matthew 9:37). It will be the few of “the many are called but few are chosen” of Matthew 22:14 who will be the chosen labourers to bring in the great harvest of the Lord when the Spirit and the bride say “Come!” For does a bridegroom not choose his bride? So too shall the Bridegroom choose His bride? Which is they who are ready (the wise virgins) when He comes as a thief in the night for His bride in Matthew 25.

For as in the natural that the few of the husband and his bride produce the many of the miracle of life that is their children, so too shall “the few” of the Spirit and the bride produce the miracle of life that is “the many” of the great harvest.