As disciples, we are all called to learn how to eat from God’s hand directly. For did His disciples not all have a place at His table?

Whilst there is life in regurgitated food (second hand food) for all who are hungry, painting it as regurgitated food is not to undermine the life in it, but merely to illustrate that there is a better meal for all. Which is the fresh manna received directly from the hand of God, rather than “the second hand food” others have themselves eaten first hand from the hand of God.

If I invited you to dinner at my place, would you expect me to give you a plate of your own food? Or for me to dish up a plate of food for you on my plate, and for me to first eat it, and then regurgitate it for you, before you can then eat it? So why would God be any different?

God speaks of leaving us signposts along the way. Do you know what those signposts are? They are us. “WE” are all signposts. The meals WE eat ourselves are merely to give directions. Some people are content to stop at a particular signpost, and just keep taking directions, but never going anywhere. To be hearers only, not doers.

The whole purpose of discipleship is to take those directions and get to the marriage supper. We are all to point to Jesus. Which is to eat food first hand, not “the scraps” (said as a comparison only, for there is a lot of good in them) of second hand food. If it is possible for some in the body to eat first hand, why not all? Are not all children of God? Is this not the reason why the veil was torn?

We are all signposts to point to the table that God has prepared a place for us all to sit at. Which is to restore the umbilical that was severed at the fall, that we may all eat our fill directly from the sumptuous belly of the rivers of plenty of our Father. Our job is to give directions, but not to become the table. Every pastor of every church is called to point the way. Not be the table. We may have lots to say, but in the end, they are only pointers to the source of life.