By virtue of a truly privileged birthright, we have all been given a personal seat at His great table. Which is our “positional truth”. But unless we actually sit down and eat from that same table, being the table He has prepared for each and every one of us in the presence of our enemies, that positional truth shall never become an “experiential truth”.

     And just as each seat at any table is a function of proximity, what we all personally encounter and experience of Him, as a living and breathing truth, is a function of just how close we personally want to get to Him. In other words, what we experience by dining at the table of our King is a function of how much of our birthright we are prepared to claim. For whilst our “positional truth” is that ALL THINGS are ours, when it comes to witnessing of this truth unto all of creation, it will always be out of our “experiential truth” that we will witness best.

     With that being said, the extent of our experiential truth, therefore, then depends on how much from that seat at our Father’s table we are prepared to "press into" and incorporate into our own personal experience as we each grow from glory to glory in the knowledge of Christ through "going deeper" INTO Him in a personal and intimate love relationship. For when it comes to our privileged inheritance, the menu at the table says: “ALL are yours; and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's" (I Corinthians 3:2l-23).

     Which is a pattern after the similitude of the covenant inheritance God bestowed upon Abraham. After God had brought Abraham into the land of Canaan, God said to Abraham: "Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed for ever" (Genesis 13:14-15). And are we not the seed of Abraham? But then God gave Abraham a command as follows: "Arise, walk through the land in the length of it, and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to you" (Genesis 13:17).

     It was one thing for Abraham to view “from a distance” the land that God promised as a part of the “covenant position” which was his. It was quite another thing for him to personally walk throughout that land and make it a part of his “personal experience”. After the commandment to "walk through it," in Genesis 13:18, we read: "then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar to the Lord." As Abram continued to move through the land, every place he went, he built an altar to his personal experience of the Lord, which speaks to us of a fresh dedication to the ongoing experiential truth of God.

     And just as with the model and the pattern of Abraham presented beautifully before us, we each need to realise that our personal possession of our FULL "inheritance in Christ" can only become a reality through the DAILY altar of a “breaking bread together", by taking a seat DAILY at our Father’s table, and just like we do at home, eating at least three meals every day of the choice ambrosia prepared for us all by our Heavenly Father — at the beginning of the day; at the middle of the day; and at the end of the day. Three. That we may be complete, lacking nothing.

     For did Daniel not have a custom of praying three times a day? (Daniel 6:10). For are we not taught to pray: “Give is this day our DAILY bread”? Matthew 6:11. Which all comes down to the experiential truth of choosing “the good thing” that shall never be taken from us. For only one thing is necessary. Which is to sit all day at the very feet of our heavenly Father, being a function of true proximity, so that by the continual “breaking of bread” together, we may not only deepen our tent pegs, but that we may enlarge our tent by taking our seat at the table of genuine intimacy. For is it not rightly said that intimacy is the sugar that sweetens life?

“But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:42