In the anthropology of life, every great story always has, and always will, begin with the captivating, stage-setting expression of: "IN THE BEGINNING". And in exactly the same way, for what has become the very revelation that is to hereafter follow, it is no different either. For it, too, has its own "in the beginning". And in its case, in the beginning, there was "SEEDTIME AND HARVEST".
Since it naturally follows that "seedtime" will always come before any period of "harvest time", then in much the same way, we will likewise need to begin this story there. And in so doing, seedtime is that season of time, right in the beginning, that belongs specifically to what this revelation begins with, namely: THE SEED. And in that sense, this story begins with exactly how the Bible itself begins. With the seed, being in this case, "the Word". And as with the Bible once again, it can be said that the expression "in the beginning" is the very seed of all those words that are to, thereafter, subsequently follow.
"As long as the earth endures, SEEDTIME AND HARVEST, cold and heat, day and night will never cease." - Genesis 8:22.
"Seedtime and harvest" is one of the laws of kingdom physics. In fact, it is very easy to argue that it is one of the very first laws of kingdom physics. Right in the beginning, when God first created the world, it is said that He spoke the heavens and earth into existence. "For when He spoke, the world began! It appeared at His command." - Psalm 33:9. So before the heavens and the earth became the beautiful creation that they are today, God first uttered "words". In other words, the release of words upon the winds of germination are the very seeds that over time became the expression and accomplishment of what is now the majestic heavens and earth:
"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." - Hebrews 11:3. The worlds are those things which "are seen". Words are those things which "are unseen". And it is by these very unseen words that the worlds that are seen were thus made. And as strange as it may at first seem, then perchance upon some other words, God provides the answer to this mystery. "The words THAT I SPEAK to you are spirit, and they are life." - John 6:63. In the operation of the law of seedtime and harvest, words are not just words. They are first and foremost spirit. And as spirit, they are therefore also life. And in the operation of spirit as life, words are thus seeds. And in their most noble of purposes, words are the seeds of the procreation of life. Once released, they beget or generate life. From what begins as spirit, being that which is yet unseen, in the operation of seedtime and harvest, the harvest that over time ultimately becomes the life of that which is then seen, is that by those very words so uttered from the lips of God, that the worlds were thus beautifully made.
Seedtime and harvest. Spirit and life. God is He "who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as if they did." - Romans 4:17. A vivid demonstration of the power of words as spirit and life is in the immaculate conception. Now it is finally possible to understand the power of the life that is in the spriit of words. God's immaculate Word, which is His Son, being both Spirit and the richness of Life itself, became flesh through the immaculate conception. "The Word became flesh, and made His dwelling among us." - John 1:14. The Word as spirit is therefore a seed. And as a seed, it must therefore produce life.
In the operation of seedtime and harvest, "seedtime" is unto "spirit" what "harvest" is unto "life". "The words that I speak are spirit, and they are life." We know that for man too, it is the spirit that gives life. Not the body. "For to be absent from the body is to be present before the Lord." - 2 Corinthians 5:8. It is not the body of the man that is present before the Lord. It is the spirit of the man. God is life. And God is spirit (John 4:24). And we are made in the image and likeness of God. So it is our spirit that gives us life, not our body. It is the spirit that gives the body life. Not the other way around.
So herein lies this game changing revelation. If the spirit is a seed, what kind of "seed" then is the "very spirit of man"? And how does this seed relate to the operation of "seedtime and harvest"? The "seedtime" for the seed of the spirit of man is, in fact, THIS time that we have on earth. How we spend our time on earth will ultimately determine the kind of seed we finally become at the end of that seedtime. And what harvest this seed will thereafter ultimately produce will be determined in the time that follows immediately after the end of this seedtime.
In that sense, this first earth is in itself the essence of all seedtime. God says He will destroy this earth and recreate a new one. The new earth will be the new soil in which God will germinate what is finally formed as the seed of life during this seedtime. And we know this is true also because God says you cannot put new wine in old wineskins (Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22).
The new wine that the seed of this seedtime will produce needs a new wineskin. So this also explains the mystery of why the LORD will destroy this first earth and create a new one. For the new creation that is the rejuvenated spirit requires a new wineskin. The new earth is the new wineskin that will carry the new wine that we ultimately become from this seed being formed here and now. And in exactly the same way that the Word of Jesus became flesh, meaning His Spirit became flesh and dwelt among us, being all made in the image and likeness of God, we too will from this very seed that is spirit become flesh in the new wineskin, and likewise dwell amongs each other and God. And so in the deepest sense, in that we follow the footsteps of our Jesus before us, as spirit, and as His Spirit for those who are rejuvenated, we are therefore the very seed of Christ Himself.
God says in Genesis 8:22, that while the earth exists, seedtime and harvest will never cease. So while the first earth exists, seedtime will not cease. And while the second earth exists harvest will never cease. So this explains to a degree the mystery of what happens in the afterlife. But what is very clear is that at the end of the life of this earth, seedtime WILL cease to exist. This time on earth is the kairos moment that will determine the kind of seed we become, which will ultimately determine the kind of life we will have in the time to come. It's the perfect expression of kingdom physics. In keeping with the laws of kingdom physics, a further dimension to the operation of seedtime and harvest is the principle of the kind of harvest that the seed we become will eventually produce.
"Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." - Matthew 13:8. The good soil is the new wineskin that is the new earth. The Garden of Eden of this earth will not compare with the Garden of Eden to come. For the Word says that eye has not seen and the mind has not conceived what the Lord has in store for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9). But here is the caveat. There is always a caveat. For His Word to have unsullied integrity, whether our seed produces a hundred, sixty or thirty fold crop depends on what we sow now. It depends on what happens to that seed during this seedtime. And the 100-fold, 60-fold, 30-fold fullness of the life we lead in the hereafter will be determined by the type of seedtime planting we now sow.
This life is therefore all about the shaping and forming of the seed we need to become. What we ultimately become on the other side of the curtain of eternity all depends on what kind of seed we become on this side of the same curtain. During this season of seedtime, the type of seed we become, and the type of life it thereafter produces depends on how much we become in the image and likeness of Christ. How closely we resemble the image and likeness of Christ will depend on how much we assimilate of the spirit and life that is the Word. How closely our life aligns to the blueprint of the Word. And that all depends on how much time we spend in His presence in relationship with Him. For He is the Potter and we are the clay. The clay needs to spend seedtime in the presence and communion of the Potter and His hands. It all depends on how much time we spend in His Word and in prayer. But ultimately, how much we surrender and transform into the likeness of Christ this side determines the kind of seed that God will ultimately plant in the good soil that is the new earth. The kind of crop, or the kind of harvest, that the seed that is the spirit of the life of this Adam all depends on how much we die to self now so that Christ the second Adam should live in us. For of this seed that we are, the Word clearly says, "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces much fruit." - John 12:24.
May we all follow "the way and the truth and the life" that leads us to the abundance of life that God promises shall hereafter follow. For as we turn to Him, as we die to self and become His seed, we can take full confidence that He is faithful to perfect and complete all that concerns us. "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it." - 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.
May we all become the image and likeness of seeds that will glorify and honour You, LORD! Cleave us as branches unto You the Vine that we may yet all produce the fruit that is fitting for a King. Amen and amen.
What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity
– Matthew 9:35-38; 28:18-19
To God be the glory, forever and ever. Amen and amen.
#WarriorServants4God #LovingAuthentically #LivingAuthentically
"For My house will be called a house of prayer."