Make known Your ways to us, LORD, so that by following Your ways, it shall be Your ways themselves that order our steps and that are a light unto our feet. For then you shall broaden the path of our feet so that we shall walk with feet that neither slip nor stumble (Psalm 18:36). Being feet shod with the ever sure sandals of the leading of Your Spirit (Ephesians 6:15).
And because You made Your ways known to Moses upon the MOUNTAIN TOP, he was then able to lead the children of Israel out of the VALLEY of captivity of slavery. Teach us all Your ways, O heavenly Father. Which are the ways of habitation of the mountain top dwellers. Through Your Son, the living Word, make Your heavenly ways known to each and every one of us. That just like Moses before Him, Your Son may lead the flesh of EVERY generation of all Your children out of their slavery and captivity unto the world (Egypt). That ALL generations may renounce the golden calf of the valley of the god of self (Pharoah) and become mountain top dwellers. Which are eagles, being all those who wait upon the LORD and renew their strength upon the winds of the living Spirit. That just like the eagle teaches her young how to fly, that in loving our neighbour as ourselves, we all may become a Moses company that make disciples of all men and lead our brothers out of slavery. Which is to be of the order of the Melchizedek priesthood.
And through the burial of our old ways through the baptism of Christ, that all the armies of our self pride and haughtiness may be thoroughly overcome and forever buried beneath the weight of Your holy waters. So that when we all emerge and stand up on the other side of the Red Sea darkened with the stain of all our transgressions, we shall stand up as a new creation, washed as white as snow by the living water of Your way, Your truth and Your life. For then will we all be free to be entirely Yours - spirit, soul and body. For who the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).
Make known Your ways to us LORD. That we may no longer be a slave to a foreign land and a foreign way and a foreign house. For a slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son belongs to it forever (John 8:35). Lead us by Your Spirit, for then we shall be sons (Romans 8:14). And then we shall all be family, which is forever. For one thing we have asked of the LORD, this is what we all desire: to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of our lives, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and seek Him in His temple (Psalm 27:4), that as His sons, for all of eternity, we may belong to Your house (Ephesians 2:19) and unto Your beautiful family and unto Your perfect ways.