Oh, Father, in heaven,
I feel a drawing, like a gravity well, pulling me towards You!
I have fallen into Your orbit!
And I am racing towards You at the speed of light.
And how ironic is that?
For are You not the light?
How amazing is it that I can come to You at the speed of light?
Draw me to Your light, Father!
So that in the same way that a meteor plummeting towards the sun has its hard shell broken up by flames, break through the crust of my hard exterior with the baptism of Your fire.
Break through the hard shell of the seed of You in me that is me,
That Your light within me may break completely free.
For are we not all a jewel in Your crown?
A diamond forged in the furnace of many afflictions?
And is it not true that a diamond has no light of its own?
Yet when the light shines through it,
It is a most glorious spectacle to behold?
And is it not also true,
That the rarest and most priceless of all diamonds Is the one entirely without flaw?
For it allows the light to shine through without any blemish or distortion?
And is it not true,
That man likewise has no light of his own?
For are You not the light of man?
And are we not all beautiful diamonds being forged under immense pressures so that when we emerge as the jewels of Your crown, we may have neither spot nor wrinkle? That we may have no flaw?
So that when Your light shines through us, we shine a pure and perfect light? Not a light distorted or marred by stain or wrinkle, or any such blemish, but holy and entirely blameless?
For is it not written: “for they shall be like the jewels of a crown, lifted like a banner over His land” (Zechariah 9:16)?
And is it not written, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”?
Let Your light shine, dear Father!
And may it be a light like no other light!
Perfect and flawless!
A light like has never been seen before by the likes of men!
So that all the world may know,
That we are Yours,
A jewel in Your precious crown,
Like a banner over Your land!