"To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God." - Revelation 2:7


"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God." - Leviticus 19:31

     "Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that." - John Donne (1572-1631) 

     The context of John Donne's reference to bells tolling is that when they ring, we all can hear them. And since we can all hear them, we are all in some way connected through that common experience. And he was right. At a deeper level, however, we are all interconnected in many specific ways. That which impacts the human condition impacts not one, but us all. Love is one of the greatest demonstrations of our universal and individual interconnectedness. We all respond to the greatness of "love on display". As mankind, we are all connected socially and spiritually. In this sense, one man's joy is every man's joy. Likewise, one man's death diminishes us all. And in John Donne's day, specifically, bells would toll to announce the FALLING of a loved one. And because we are all part of mankind, John Donne rightly argues that even though we do not always know "for whom the bell tolls", when it does toll, because we are all so interconnected, it may as well toll for thee.

     When it comes to the FALLING of loved one's, not many scriptures evoke as much alarm and concern as the one below. There are others that equally shake our very foundations. But in the final summation, if we have love in us at all, they are all but a vigorous call to action. And it is in our rise to action that we prove God's two greatest commandments, as well as satisfy His call to be not hearers only, but also doers (James 1:22). It is then that we don't only "live" in the Spirit, but "walk" in the Spirit too (Galatians 5:25).


“Pronounce them guilty, O God! 
Let them FALL by their own counsels; 
Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, 
For they have rebelled against You.” 
- Psalms‬ ‭5:10


     CAST THEM OUT!!! proclaims the outspoken Psalm, especially loudly. It petitions for what is nothing less than a severing of the sacred umbilical with God. At the same time, it speaks of being forcefully removed from the very "presence and proximity" of God. It calls for an utter withdrawal of the hand of provision. And, ultimately, for an indefinite sealing of the mouth of all "counsel" and "communion" and "comfort" too. 

     Without stating the obvious, this is one of those heart-stopping considerations we all know we just simply shouldn't even remotely begin to trifle with. In fact, being a "vivid eventuality" entirely framed by just two words, the mere thought of being "cast out" brings to mind the haunting notion of the "eternal state of outer darkness". Outer darkness is yet another frightening contemplation portrayed in its entirety by as little as two words, and which, incidentally, is likewise also mentioned as a punitive measure in the Bible. And also, it is mentioned on more than one occasion too, which is always a queue to pay extra attention. In incredibly dire tones, these two cataclysmic "end results" are then simultaneously mentioned alongside each other in the very same sentence, almost as a sombre phalanx of like-minded castigations. In Matthew 8:12, a terrible decree is declared for none other than the sons of the kingdom, "But the sons of the kingdom will be CAST OUT into the OUTER DARKNESS. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

     This is not the first time, though, where we have been a witness to such an abrupt and life-changing sovereign behest. And in all probability, given the prominent and imminent "end time prognosis", neither is it likely be the last time either. From time to time, throughout the history of creation, and by the authority of Biblical account, we have all attended the blunt dismissal of those likewise cast out by the explicit and solemn decree of the LORD as God Almighty. In those being cast out collectively belonging to both the "realm of heaven" as well as that "of earth", God maintains complete integrity with His "no respector of persons" impartiality. In this way, the LORD also personally exhibits His stated aversion to, and objection of, "imperfect scales" (Proverbs 11:1). 

     In any event, regardless of which camp, it is plain that being on the receiving end of this eventuality remains a perpetuity that could never be described as a "win-win" for all parties concerned. In one such case, God just simply and summarily casts Adam out. Without the slightest pause or hint of debate. And with him, Eve too. And in the same way, He likewise also casts Lucifer out too. And together with Lucifer, all the entourage of angelic mutineers that stood by him too. So, from the very outset, one thing this history lesson quickly points out is the unmistakable power "of counsel". And at the same time, the severe consequences in the event of "the wrong counsel". In doing so, this also vividly demonstrates the incredible binary power prevailing in the belly of "words themselves". For what else is counsel, but an "assembly of words" at the end of the day? For both the angelic hordes, as well as for Adam and Eve, the common denominator was "words", and specifically, words of "counsel". And of "counsel", Psalm 5:10 clearly says, "Let them FALL by their own counsels.

     So in both cases, one of the multiple common denominators was that they both listened "to counsel". Another common denominator is that they both FELL due to that counsel. A further common denominator is that the counsel came from the "identical root source" - being the devil. As an academic note to self, then, the counsel of the devil has demonstrated a "consistent track record" of producing devastating consequences in the lives of an untold many. Not only this, but history suggests a definite and consistent consequence being persistently inevitable when exalting the counsel of any other type above that of God's. Evidence shows the identical inevitably of always producing "A FALL", and often a tumultuous one at that. 

     In other words, there are often significantly diminished and devastating consequences when rather than eating from the prescribed Tree of Life, counsel instead stems sadly from the rebellious eating of the forbidden fruit of Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil represents all those inferior and substitute systems of "knowledge and wisdom", and self-determined impositions of what is "good and evil" or "right and wrong", that both man and fallen angel alike unilaterally and independently chose to "exalt above the knowledge of God". As such, a further common denominator is that God regards the exalting of "our own counsel as sovereign" as nothing less than mutinous rebellion. As per Psalm 5:10, exalting one's "own counsel" represents the very thing that WITHOUT FAIL inevitably produces "a fall". And definitively, the singular thing that produces this inevitable fall is none other than "PRIDE". And of this supremely detestable thing for God called pride, God has these simple, yet concise, words to say: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a FALL." - Proverbs 16:18.

     As God tells us, there is life and death in the power of the tongue. And sometimes the accomplishment of death takes on the more subtle form and variety of the slow and inevitable death by "banishment and separation". For this reason, it behoves us to choose wisely from where and whom we ultimately seek our counsel. This includes avoiding the forbidden practice and grave mistake of establishing our own counsel above that of God's. This also includes eating of the forbidden fruit of the counsel of fortune tellers and those who practice witchcraft. "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God." - Leviticus 19:31. In other words, turn to Me in ALL things, for ALL things, and I will likewise turn to you in ALL things. For to do otherwise, as Psalm 5:10 points out, then "they have REBELLED against You." And when it comes to rebellion, God regards rebellion as being "unto witchcraft". "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." - 1 Samual 15:23. And if pride is rebellion, pride is simply then, also, as the sin of witchcraft. 

     Just like the counsel of the devil has, throughout time, consistently harmed many of God's living creation, so too is the consequence of personal pride equally devastating. Like all sin, pride is nothing less than exalting oneself above the knowledge of God. In other words, pride is tantamount to the high crime of treason, because it appropriates or steals "for the property of oneself" the privilege of sovereignty, where sovereignty is the rightful property of "the state" alone. Or in other words, sovereignty is that which rightfully and entirely belongs exclusively to the "head of state", being none other than God Himself. As a fruit of pride, in assuming the status of sovereignty, and therefore by taking a status that is exclusively God's, this amounts to nothing less than high treason and serious mutiny. In this way, we are no better than the two thieves on the cross alongside Jesus. We have robbed from God what belongs to Him alone. The ultimate pursuit of pride is self-glory. And since all glory and thanks belongs to God, puffing ourselves up in the glory of pride is both an act of capital theft as well as the pinnacle of rebellion. And since all rebellion is as unto witchcraft, so too then is pride effectively witchcraft. By listening to the counsel of rebellion and witchcraft, pride is hence the sin of exalting oneself above the station and knowledge of God.

     In effect, by eating of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam was tantamountly declaring to the presiding head of state that he personally knew better than even God Himself what should be considered as "good" and what should be regarded as "evil". In making the proud declaration of his knowing better than God, Adam effectively usurped God's position of "head of state". And in so doing, since the definition of an idol is anything we position as having higher value than God, Adam effectively made himself his own idol. Which is effectively what every man has done by not living by God's "way and truth and life." We all have chosen to idolise ourselves by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil rather than the Tree of Life.

     Just like the rest of us, Adam regarded as peremptory the assumed right to decide for himself whether he should or shouldn't partake of that which was expressly forbidden. After all, it's his life, and therefore his decision, not so? But the truth is we only live because God breathed His own life into the nostrils of dust he made us from. It's "His life" that sustains us. Not our own. By hijacking sovereignty over that life, and by claiming ultimate sovereignty to choose what we will or won't do, or what is good or evil in our sight, or whether to reject the family of God as Father, and rather live a life of severed independence, choosing for ourselves "the way the truth and the life", this is all akin to effectively "overthrowing the government". It is nothing short of committing a coup d'etat. Which is exactly what the pride of Lucifer attempted to achieve in heaven also. And in so doing, Adam effectively exalted his own knowledge and station above (or sovereign to) the knowledge of God. In doing this, both Adam and Lucifer committed unequivocal high treason. Which is the crime of mutiny against the nation state. As a result, God as head of state, cast Adam and Lucifer out from the very nation state they sought to usurp the role and privilege of sovereignty from. For exactly the same reasons, and without impugnity, God cast both Adam and Lucifer out of His very presence.

     Through pride, Adam demanded his OWN sovereignty. In the pursuit and interests of the healthy functioning and order of a "nation state", being God's kingdom, there can and should only ever be one sovereignty at any point in time. Adam thus presented his Father with the most painful of dilemmas. In order to stay the fallout and chaos and structural collapse that any coup d'etat introduces, being also a coup d'etat that was initiated by the proud hand of His own much-loved son of Adam, this doting Father was subject to the unenviable task of casting out from the home of the Garden of Eden the son with whom He had until then enjoyed a cherished and daily communion as a loving Father.  

      What does the Garden of Eden represent? It represents abiding in the manifest "presence and peace of God". It also represents abiding in the manifest "abundance and provision of God". Like the Ark of Noah, it simultaneously represents "separation from the world" and "relationship with God". It represents living and walking in the Spirit of intimate, continuous, unencumbered, effortless relationship with God as Father. It speaks of constant togetherness and constant full-blown connection. It represents abiding in the continuous flow of "milk and honey". Milk is nourishment. It is provision. Honey is sweetness. It is abiding intimacy. It represents the existence of an umbilical between man and God. The Garden of Eden is the antithesis of all that at some point became the expression and accomplishment of life and existence post the Fall. Lucifer experienced the same Fall. Cast out from the very presence and company and communion with our Heavenly Father. It is not a circumstance to be trifled with. Nor are its consequences to be minimised. Being cast out is as profound in its severity as it is in its repercussions. 

     "Taking up our cross" is the daily pilgrimage of working with "the way and the truth and the life" of the Word, as well as with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, to restore to fullness of life and love, the pre-Adamic measure of communion, fellowship and relationship with God. It's about the pilgrimage back to eating exclusively from the Tree of Life. This is what the Exodus represents. This is why it is typified by a walk or pilgrimage. The walk is "the process" by which we enter the promised land of milk and honey, which is living and walking in full co-operation and dependence on God alone.

     "Dying to self" is the recanting and rescinding of every last thing that keeps us independent from God. It's a process. It is renouncing every right to "the government of self" in exchange for "the government of the Holy Spirit". It is the wilful and deliberate tearing down of every argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. It is the repudiation of every counsel that exalts itself above the sovereignty of God. The Word says "Let them FALL by their own counsels." It specifically tells us that the consequence of "falling" deals with the issue of "counsel", and specifically "which" counsel we choose to listen to. Our own, or His? Where the final answer ultimately boils down to PRIDE.

     And here is the thing. People often claim that God has been harsh in casting people out and into outer darkness. But it is not God who is harsh. WE all choose, and have chosen this, all by ourselves, just like Adam and Eve. WE choose to eat from that fruit. It is OUR choice. Not God's. And then just like Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent, we blame God for the consequence of a decision that we make entirely by ourselves. It is we who are harsh. It is a very harsh and unfair thing to falsely accuse someone. It is only the harshness of heart that allows one to blame the innocent for what is entirely of our own doing. Which is exactly what humanity did with Jesus too, incidentally. Humanity blamed the One who is completely innocent, of all wrongdoing punishable ultimately unto death. When man (beginning with Adam) chooses to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he chooses to decide by his own knowledge what is good and evil. He decides to live by his own counsel. He decides to live by his own wisdom. He decides to live by the government of self as opposed to the government of the Holy Spirit. And the consequence is the same as with Adam and Lucifer. "Let them FALL by their own counsels." 

     "Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, For they have rebelled against You.” The multitude of transgressions represents all the multitudes of decisions we make where we ourselves decide what is right and wrong, what is good and evil. All the multiple times we eat the fruit from our own tree of knowledge and right and wrong. Where we decide what is the definition and expression and accomplishment of love. And the consequence is always the same. We become deaf to God, and are progressively separated from the abiding presence and intimacy with God. We cast ourselves out of the effortless flow of milk and honey. And the reason is simply because we consistently prefer to rebel. 

     God describes "rebellion" as being like witchcraft. What is witchcraft? It is the craft of a witch. The craft of a witch is to cast spells and curses "on others". But God doesn't say rebellion IS witchcraft. He says it is LIKE witchcraft. So it is "like cursing". The reason why it is "like cursing" is because in our rebellion, we become our very own witch. And instead of cursing others, we actually curse ourselves. We cast ourselves out from the Garden-of-Eden type intimacy and communion where we walked and lived in the fatness of the continuous flow of "milk and honey". All because we repeatedly choose the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil over the Tree of Life. 

     Before the bell tolls, for all those who live out life in the diminished capacity of a life separated from the rivers of living water, and isolated from the very bread of life, we are all personally invited unto the personal adoption by God as His sons and daughters. And of this adoption, God does indeed make much of our adoption! And He does it in a way that draws us out of ourselves, out of our pride and rebellion, to enjoy once again the greatness of His Tree of Life, where not only will there never be any tears ever again, nor will there be any gnashing of teeth, but where all of heaven will celebrate and "RING THE BELLS of overwhelming joy" for the coming home to the Father of one of His own.

     "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." - Luke 15:7

- To God alone be all the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
- Blessings, Wayne Biehn