If the truth be told, our lives are a continuous stream of many-upon-many, "rhythm of life" deliverances. Each new day finds ample opportunity for genuinely thanking the LORD our God for the grace of His unending and paternal salvations.
For instance, on any given day, it could be His mercy seat saving us from a particular pretension and argument that would seek to exalt itself against the "knowledge and the power", and the "wisdom and the truth", and "the love" of God. And what a delight it is to know that ANY argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is nothing more than PRETENCE at best. ALL falsehood is mere pretence. Whether it be the most articulate and elaborate of arguments, or a simple No when it is in fact a Yes.
Having said that, all the combined enterprise of centuries of human opposition and counter argument against the knowledge of God remain but a filigree of vapour and pretence. For all pretence is like the posturing of a peacock - all plumage and no substance. It is just for show. Whether to one's own conscience or that of one's neighbour, no matter how strong a lie is, it will always be weaker than the truth. For it remains at heart nothing more than vacant scaffolding and hollow pretence.
This says a great deal for "the father of all lies". His entire kingdom is established upon nothing other than the puffery of pretension and the mockery of lies. It's a false claim to a "sovereignty" that belongs entirely to another One only. Millennia of posturing by hordes of demonic subordinates against the knowledge of God has proved only one thing. That the first sign of an abdicated mind and a seared conscience is when you begin to believe your own lies. That's when appearances move to supersede reality as truth. Given that "deception" is the devil's greatest weapon, there is a very dry irony to the entirety of the demonic hordes all suffering from the delusion "of deception" themselves. Where your own misdirection fools even yourself, the lines of what is true and what isn't fade rapidly.
And of those who likewise lie, there is this particularly strong admonition. "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" - JOHN 8:44. And the reason for this string admonition is that whereas "the way, and the truth, and the life" tell us that coupled to "the way, and the truth" IS LIFE, what John 8:44 tells us is that coupled to the opposite of truth, namely to lies or untruth, is exactly the opposite. Namely DEATH. The purity and truth of words are sacrosanct to the LORD. Employing words in any way that deviates from the whole truth and nothing but the truth is murder, for it produces death, not life.
Lying corrupts the trust fabric of words. Which is an anathema to the LORD, for He is the living Word. Anything that subverts the truth of words is viewed as MURDER to the LORD our God. For it kills the root or anchor of all trust. It destroys the fabric of all faith. Which is the cornerstone upon which all relationship with God and the Kingdom of God is established. Which is exactly why God is not a man that He should lie. The LORD says that "the words that I speak are spirit, and they are life". So it would be counter-intuitive for the LORD to speak words of death. And it would be counter-productive for the LORD to speak words that break the cornerstone of everything He desires to achieve in the hearts and lives of all men and the plans of eternity.
The ultimate end-result and confluence of "the way, and the truth, and the life" is LOVE. Love is the heart of the Father expressed and accomplished through the way that is truth and life. Having said this, at the same time then, any argument or action of man that exalts itself against the standard of God's love is simple pretence. For any word or action that falls short of "the way, and the truth, and the life" is pure counterfeit. As such, any word that is conceived in man needs to be cast from the mould that is "both spirit and life". Our words need to both "preserve" the integrity of truth and love, as well as "promote" truth and love. And because they both PRESERVE and PROMOTE love and the truth, it is then that our words will always then PROSPER, which is to produce LIFE.
Which is why when it comes to trusting God's Word that "the mercies of God are renewed each day", the LORD our God sleeps not nor slumbers when it comes to the love of a Father. "He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore.” - PSALMS 121:3-8
So when it comes to the stream of our Father's many deliverances, on any other day, it could be the love of the Father that is the salvation from "the daily traps of the world", or from "their corruption". And then on yet another day, a saving from "the fiery darts of the relentless enemy". But the whole truth and nothing but the truth is that not a day goes by where we cannot wholeheartedly bend down and personally praise the Lord for that day's particular salvation, and therefore for the way, and the truth, and the life of His Word.
The defining moments of these many personal salvations multiply endlessly, and accumulate throughout our lives, ranging from delivering us from an impure or worldly thought, on any given day, from the erstwhile profanity of yesteryear, from the hooks of carnality in some shape or form, from worldly fear, from all kinds of harm, and from shame. The list goes on and on. Without a shadow of doubt, there are many occasions where I know that, but for the grace of God, my life would have been taken from me, or that the onslaught of financial angst would have broken me, but for His ongoing mercy and never-ending deliverance. "He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved." - PSALM 62:2
These are all monumental salvations in their own right. He saves us IN those moments, FROM those circumstances, THROUGH those trials. We are truly loved by an awesome God, and by a precious Father, one who really cares for all, and who is true to every promise. And it's all because He is true to His Word, for He IS the Word, made manifest, both in what is seen and what is unseen. "IT IS of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. THEY ARE new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." LAMENTATIONS 3:22-23.
Every day His mercies stand up anew and demonstrate the extravagance of His paternal love. And they do so EVERY day because the authenticity of who He is, being the Father of John 3:16, having been made known for public scrutiny through His written Word, only stands the test of integrity when what He publicly declares He is on the inside (His heart) maps perfectly to what He does on the outside (His actions). His Word is the "root anchor of trust" that the hearts of man place in God's character. Know that God the Father holds Himself accountable to the same Word that He holds us accountable to. And of His Word, forget not that should the Word of God not be trustworthy, then all that holds heaven and earth preserved would fail. “But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” - 2 PETER 3:7
So when it comes to the quality and substance of our own words, we have this yardstick as a call to action, "Hold to the STANDARD of SOUND WORDS that you heard from me and do so with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus." - 2 PETER 1:13
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen" - 1 TIMOTHY 1:17
God bless, Wayne Biehn