To He who is, and who was, and who is to come, being the one and only LORD our God, we declare Your sovereign majesty and goodness before all of heaven and earth. By Your grace - being the way, and the truth and the life that is LOVE - we humble ourselves before You, LORD. We acknowledge Your greatness. We lift up our souls to You, and we acknowledge that without You, we are simply dust at worst, and a fleeting vapour at best. For when compared with the splendour of Your creation, being the very firmament of all the heavens, and all that is the glory of the universe, as dust, we are but a trifling.
And yet, that which is You, which is calling unto us - as deep calls unto deep - being the call of a holy Presence, as well as the summons of a deep and personal relationship, both of which You have lovingly offered us all through Your outstretched hands and the whisper of Your Father's heart, we have this to look forward to, that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion. And so, by the very promises of Your Word, we may ALL amount to so much more than empty and lifeless dust. For You ARE the potter. And as for the dust and vapour that we are, You graciously combine them both into the Author and Finisher's clay.
As the Great Architect of all that which concerns us, we ask You Father, that in Your labour of love as our Potter, that with regards to all that is to be the finished product we are becoming in Your hands, that You fashion us all with a NEW HEART and a NEW SPIRIT. May our spirits be forged from the Spirit of the Lion of Judah. And our hearts, from the mould of the wellspring of the sumptuous Father heart. We also ask You humbly, LORD, that You give us all a NEW MIND too, one in the image and likeness of You, a SOUND mind, the mind of Christ. And may it be forged upon the anvil of Your sovereign wisdom. This we ask so that in all our days, and in all our ways, that Your wisdom and Your heart shall rule us, and define us, both in spirit and in truth, so that in all that we are, and all that we do, we will seek first the Kingdom. So that it shall be that we will walk and live to both PRESERVE and PROMOTE Your Kingdom. So that Your name be hallowed, that Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done.
Allow none of us to fail You, El Shaddai. Bind our will to Your will. And may our character and our conscience be that of kingdom servants, that we may do all for Your glory and Your honour, and for the good name of Your perfect love and Your perfect Word. You took what was formless, which was darkness, and with Your word, fashioned the heavens and the earth, and gave it life and light. How little effort it would take for You, then, to take the formlessness and darkness of us too, and with but a word from Your mouth, to turn it into the life and light that is the kingdom form of a "vessel of glory!" For You ARE definitely mighty to save. It would take but only a word from Your lips and Your throne room, Father. We beseech You, oh great Yahweh, our Father and our King, that You utter that word right now, that the dust that we are, may become vessels of pure glory for You, and for Your kingdom. At the insistence of Your decree, let every particle of dust and drop of vapour that we are, converge and subsume into vessels of righteous and holy honour and glory for You. We humbly ask that You simply just say the word, Father, and then let it be so.
Open Your spirit to us now, please LORD, that we may have eyes that see through Your eyes, and ears that hear with Your ears. And hearts that feel and love with Your heart. May our voices be Your voice. Let our hands and feet be Your kingdom servants and instruments. May our beings be full to overflowing with Your oil, Elohim. Light, now, the beacons that You have called us all to be in Your kingdom. And let that which You allow us to be, to be all and more than what we could ever dream of, and hope for, and imagine it to be. Fill us with the Holy Spirit on the inside, and anoint us on the outside. So that all our ways and days may count for You, Father. For we are Yours, our God. Take us all now, as we are, and may Your ways be our ways, and Your truth be our truth, and Your life be our life, and Your will will be our will, and Your words be our words. Let us not be ashamed, Father. As Your sons and daughters, let us not shame You as our Father.
These things we humbly ask, with thanksgiving, in the hallowed and holy name of Jesus, for all our own, for all Your church, for all who call on the name of Jesus, for all the lost, and for ourselves, Your loving servants, our Lord and Saviour, amen and amen.
"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."
JAMES 4:10