Life in the spirit is perpetual motion. It is an enduring wellspring of perfect provision through the flow of uninterrupted connection with the entire Godhead.


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER of lights, with whom there is NO VARIATION or shadow of turning." - JAMES 1:17

     Heaven remains forever prone to reaching down to touch earth. And as the very abode of God itself descends gently towards man, man reaches up to meet its outstretched hand. For such is the persuasion of a heart perpetually inclined towards giving ALL THAT IT HAS for those He loves. And of this perfect perpetuity, being the sovereign prerogative of a Father, the Word has this to say. "For OF Him, and THROUGH Him, and TO Him, are ALL THINGS, to whom be GLORY forever. Amen." - ROMANS 11:36. 


     "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER of lights, with whom there is NO VARIATION or shadow of turning." - JAMES 1:17. It is the prerogative of only a FATHER who can give WITHOUT VARIATION, let alone without even the slightest shadow of turning.


     The perpetual motion of the "cycle of love" described above in ROMANS 11:36 and JAMES 1:17 begins with us first receiving FROM "the Father". In our receiving from Him, we all initially receive "OF Him". And receiving of Him takes place "THROUGH Christ" who dwells in us. Christ "in us" draws down ALL THINGS from the wellspring of heaven, from the hand of the Father, because all of heaven is uncontrollably drawn to and attracted to Jesus in us through the inimitable endearment of a Father for a Son. And so it comes to be that THROUGH Christ Jesus in us, that all things of Him, who is the Father, are in perfect perpetuity made thus available TO us who are Christ's. "ALL THINGS are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future--all are yours, and you are OF Christ, and Christ is OF God." - 1 CORINTHIANS 3:21-23.


     "And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it!" - GENESIS 28:12. Life in the Spirit is a matter of perpetual motion. This perpetual motion is the enduring wellspring of paternal provision buoyed upon the living waters of "uninterrupted connection." ALL THINGS emanate out of and from a gracious cycle of communion with the whole of the Godhead. The entire Godhead is in perpetual relationship with us.


     We have seen this paternal perpetuity in the book of James too, where we are told that EVERY good and perfect gift COMES DOWN from the Father. So the cycle BEGINS with the Father. It ALWAYS begins with "the Father", since the role of a father has always been the very representation and expression of provision "through" and "out" of THE ABUNDANCE OF LOVE. For the Father gave first, this we know, and He always gives first. And from this, we also know that God as Father simply LOVES TO GIVE."Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER of lights, with whom there is NO VARIATION or shadow of turning." - JAMES 1:17. There is no variation, no interruption, of that which comes down from the Father of lights.


     Life in the spirit works at its very best when you know, just like a child unquestioningly knows, that there is something God the Father wants to give you. God ALWAYS has something to give, and God ALWAYS wants to give something. John the Baptist said we have nothing unless it comes from God. "John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven."" - JOHN 3:27. That we have of anything, be it talents, treasure or time, is only because the Father has so inclined His heart to give. And when it comes to that which sustains all of life, and makes all things possible, God the Father gives Christ in us without measure, "for God gives the Spirit without limit." - JOHN 3:34.


     And, then, once we have received from God THROUGH Christ in us, it goes back TO Him seated in heaven. It goes full circle back to the Father. It returns to the Father through the glory our Father gets for what He has accomplished through His provision unto His children. In a cycle of perpetual motion, it flows from the Father to the Son in us. And from the "Son in us", it flows through to us, and from us as living waters to our neighbours through the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the generosity of our own giving in love in return. And so it is that we fulfil our calling in the second greatest commandment "to love our neighbour as ourselves". And from both our neighbours and ourselves, the cycle of love then flows back up to our Father through the twin actions of our "prayers of gratititude" and our "transformed lives", after which the cycle of love begins once again.


     The Holy Spirit and the angels take our prayers and our thanks back to the Father. Not only do the glory and praise flow back to the Father, but the Holy Spirit also takes the continuous intercession of "Christ in us" back to the Father too. This is in addition to our own prayers of intercession and personal petitions unto our Father. Together, in this way, the whole cycle repeats itself, in a perfect demonstration of the Spirit in the majestic operation of perpetual motion. In this way, we begin to see the fulfilment of all that is the beautiful "rivers of living water." - JOHN 7:38. This CIRCLE OF LIFE is the insistence by which our lives refuse to become stagnant ponds, but are forever onward growing in newness of life and love through Fatherly provision and censure. This newness is also one of the reasons why God tells us to "pray without ceasing." - I THESSALONIANS 5:16-18. It fulfills His promise of “Behold, I will do something NEW, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.” - ISAIAH 43:18-19.


     And not only is there a "perpetual MOTION", there is also a "perpetual ONENESS". Just as all three of the Godhead are one, we become one with God and our neighbours too. "...that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us." - JOHN 17:21. Jesus intercedes continuously IN us (HEBREWS 7:25), and the Holy Spirit intercedes continually FOR us (ROMANS 8:26). And we, ourselves, are to pray WITHOUT CEASING (1 THESSALONIANS 5:17), So, in this "perfect perpetuity" of solidarity in prayer, both "perpetual motion" and "perpetual oneness" in the Spirit are established. And our Father's desire of our living and walking in the Spirit is expressed and accomplished in perpetuity (GALATIANS 5:25).


"...since He always lives to make intercession for them." - HEBREWS 7:25


"...the Spirit Himself makes intercession FOR US with groanings which cannot be uttered." - ROMANS 8:26


- To God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit be all the glory. Forever and ever. Amen and amen.

- God's richest blessings, Wayne Biehn