My Lord my God, He who was who is and is come, the only God, the invisible God, have I not already seen Your face? For in all that is made, have I not seen Your glory? And in all that is made, have I not seen Your nature? Which is to have seen Your heart. And to have seen Your heart, is that not to have seen You? Just like for You to have seen David’s heart was to see the man. For do You not say that You look not unto the appearances, but unto the heart (1 Samuel 16:7)? Which is to say that to see the heart is to see the real man.
For is the heart not invisible? And are You not the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God (1 Timothy 17:10)? And do You not say, I search the heart and I examine the mind (Jeremiah 17:10)? And have You not put the invisible attributes of Your heart and mind on public display by all that You have made so that man is without excuse (Romans 1:20)? And have You not put the invisible attributes of Your heart and mind on pubic display in Your written word? That like You, we may search Your heart, and examine Your mind?
For is it not said that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks? And by all that is made, is it not out of the abundance of Your heart that Your hands have spoken? Which is to have put a perfect heart on display? For is that which You have made, not utterly perfect? And that which You have spoken in Your written word, not utterly perfect? And have I therefore not tasted, heard, touched, seen and come to know the fragrance of Your perfect heart by all that is wonderfully made and written? (Psalm 139:14).
And do You not say, come now, let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18)? For by all that which is made, and all that You have written, have I not tasted the goodness of You, and my nose come alive to the very fragrance of You, my LORD, my God? Have my eyes then not seen Your face, my ears not heard Your voice, and my hands not touched Your love. For have You not made all that which is out of perfect love? And spoken all that is written out of perfect love? Do I then not already know You well then, my LORD, my God?
For surely we are blessed to have You all about us. Are we not surrounded by Your glory and Your nature and Your word in all that we see and touch. For is it not written that by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God (Hebrews 11:3)? Are we then not found in the presence of God all day long? For does Your word not say that You are BEFORE all things, and that in You all things CONSIST (Colossians 1:17)? Do we not then already wear You as a living garment, My God my King, by all that which our five senses daily encounter of Your word and Your creation?
What a privilege, and an honour, it is to know such a perfect nature, and such a perfect heart, and such a perfect glory, as Yours, blessed LORD, blessed Father, blessed God! We thank You, LORD and ABBA Father, that we have looked upon the light of Your heart, and Your mind, and have seen that it is very good indeed (Genesis 1:31;1:4).