It is a marvel that not only in the hallways of the world, but in the corridors of the church, the hearts of mankind shy away from the call to repentance, for in their hearts and minds they see “repentance” as an onerous and oppressive thing.

     And yet, in truth, it is the greatest liberty of all. For in repentance every heart and soul finds the release of three living things: LIFE, LOVE and DESTINY.

     Unless one enter the gate of repentance, man remains landlocked and imprisoned in the hard rock of the “captivity of yesterday”, and cannot move forwards towards the glory that is the living river of their destiny.

     Many think they are on the path of life, but have long ago departed from it. Only with the foundation of repentance can one find AND stay on this path to what lies ahead just over the horizon of even their wildest dreams.

LORD, pour out your grace upon us all, that we may be wooed by the love that oozes and overflows from the call to freedom, to life, to love and to destiny that is repentance. May we enter by the beautiful gate.

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be all the honour and all the glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:17).

