God is in the loving ministry and family business of first preparing any vessel of honour and glory before He releases a divine impartation into that vessel. For what else other than “a holder” or “a receptacle” is a vessel? For just like the Noah ship took many days of preparation before it could “later carry” the precious cargo of the Presence of God with all those who separated themselves from the world, God is doing a work in all those who, in this age, are prepared to separate themselves from all that is of the world to carry the pure gold of His glory.
Many may ask for His fill, but whilst the LORD hearkens every such request, the LORD would ask if they are prepared to first lay themselves down upon His potter’s wheel that He may do a preparatory work on readying the clay to receive all that of which they ask? Unless the clay has first been forged and kiln dried in the fire of His preparatory furnace, it remains, at best, unmoulded clay. In anticipation of any kingdom assignment, the clay needs to first bind with the qualities and properties of His divine nature before it can carry the weight of His heavenly impartation.
For God seeks a company that in this season and this time is able to bear witness to His invisible qualities that have been available for all to see since the beginning of creation. Which are both His divine nature and His eternal power. (Romans 1:20). For unless the wineskin is first cured, it will surely split the very instant and moment the wine that is poured therein begins to ferment and expand.
Unless the clay has been first prepared with the invisible qualities of His divine nature, it will not be able to carry the weight of the pure gold of His eternal power. And like the pattern of Judas who could not carry the weight of the glory of God’s grace, it shall trip and fall and split open along its sides for all to see and perish right there where it lays. Like a broken jar of shattered clay. A jar that didn’t remain long enough in the furnace of His readiness before it tried to receive unto itself the weight of its desired consignment.
The clay needs to first bind with His divine nature by being tried in the fiery furnace, just like Shadrach, Meshach and Adednego, before it can bear the weight of the pure gold of God’s eternal power. For those who seek more of God, a price has to first be paid. Which is a very reasonable thing. And yet, compared to the reward, that price is a pure bargain. Which is the heart of any man prepared to turn his back on all that the world has to offer, according to the pattern and type of Jesus when He was tested. Which is a man who just like Jesus and Noah before him, has declared that his food in this life is not the food of the world, but simply to do the will of his Father in heaven. (John 4:34). And for that, the LORD will gladly prepare such a vessel and then receive unto that vessel His heavenly impartation.
For to the Father, a price paid by any man such as this, is regarded as being the price of pure gold. And for that pure gold, in turn, the Father returns the weight of pure gold, giving like for like. For God is not a God who likes imbalanced scales (Proverbs 11:1). Which is the privilege and the honour and the glory of being a vessel hand made for bearing the weight of the pure gold of His glory.