Part of the commission unto David to get the LORD’s house in order was to return the ark to its rightful place and position according to the divine order and pattern decreed by God unto His servant Moses (a type of Jesus).

     In its final application, the return of the ark to Jerusalem is a picture of the personal return of Christ to this earth. And just as with the return of the ark to Jerusalem in David’s day, preceding the return of Jesus to Jerusalem, we likewise have the divine order and pattern of seven trumpets (of Revelation Chapters 8 through 11). Christ's return is at the consummation of the 7th, or last, trumpet.

     BUT FIRST, Christ (the ark) must "return" to His rightful position AS HEAD OF THE CHURCH, that He might bring the BODY into His perfection and fullness. Before we can bring the house of the LORD into divine order, the church of these last days MUST put Christ at the head of His church. Not man. For the pattern of the church of today is not patterned according to divine order. For there are too many wanting to be a head, when in fact there ought to be only One. And is it not the desire of the harlot church to unify all denominations under one head, a man?

     Divine order begins in the heart, with a willingness to set our own house (inner life) in order first, which is to have Christ as the Head, that the spirit of reason and righteousness may RULE instead of the soulish desires and emotions. Having begun in the heart with Christ as the rightful and only head, we can then see the willingness to have all things conformed to His divine will and ways extend to all of our other relationships, both corporate and individual.

     The bottom line, however, is that we can talk a lot about "divine order," and there is a divine order for everything — our lives, the home, the church, the nation, etc., but unless we have the willing­ness to obey in our hearts to the order and pattern of a house that is truly in order, in spirit and in truth, then all of our talk will avail nothing.

     “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge (wall), and stand in the gap (breach) before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30).