You are the power everlasting,
Who holds all of eternity in position and in it's place,
Whose voice thunders from the deep,
And from above and below, Who speaks righteousness in dark places,
And who shines light where it has never shone before.
You hold the universe at Your behest With only the breath of your voice.
And You are my God,
And my Father eternal.
It is YOU who created me,
Out of the abundance of Your extravagant heart.
You breathed my first breath for me.
And Your spirit forever sustains me.
Your words nourish me, and frame me.
I drink my fill from the well of Your presence.
Speak life into my bones, my LORD,
And into my tendons and sinews,
That I should stand tall IN You,
And live long FOR You!
So that our Father may be glorified,
And Your name be hallowed!
For it is my heart's deepest desire,
To see Your name IN NEON LIGHTS,
Punctuating the night skies,
And day heavens,
For all to see,
For all of eternity!
That EVERYONE may know,
And come to believe and confess,
That you alone are God,
And that besides You,
There IS no other.
Amen and amen.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." - 1 TIMOTHY 1:17