And they shall be My giants, being those who press in and press on, always turning to the Cross and the Word, and abiding in the intimacy of the royal-blue manifest presence of My deep Spirit.


My Cross shall call you, as deep calls unto deep. My Word itself will LIFT you and guide you. And My Spirit will sustain you, support you, keep you and nourish you.

     This morning I woke up to the vivid image of large footprints being left on the surface of the ocean. The beautiful ocean was a distinctly deep and mesmerizing blue. There was nothing but cerulean blue in every direction. The sun was above and behind, and out of sight. All in all, it felt like I had stepped into a midday tropical ocean scene.


     The water surface was neither rough, nor flat or smooth, but dimpled with small waves from the gentle surface wind. The footprints themselves were white-water impressions of bare feet walking upon the water surface, left by what looked like the surface water being momentarily disturbed as invisible feet traveled onward towards their destination. The footprints were not past tense either. They were unfolding before my eyes, being made upon the water as I watched from just behind and above. They were being made in a very straight line, purposeful and certain, with single-minded determination, one after the next, moving rapidly forwards in the direction of the out-of-sight ocean horizon.


     The footprints were moving northbound, upon a definite path clearly framed and outlined upon the water's surface. The path itself was a straight lane of deep blue water, with only the surface imprints of passing feet disturbing its otherwise blue uniformity. On either side of the path's edges, the ocean was of the same blue. But its surface was thinly coated with the veneer of little "white horses" of wind-swept water, almost like a sprinkling of icing sugar. This thinly-layered icing dust was spread evenly upon the ocean surface, and where it neatly ended in two straight lines on either side of the path, they perfectly framed the blue lane. The blue path itself was intensely striking. And by framing it with perfectly straight edges, it stood out even more.


     The large, bare footprints and the blue path were the central figure of the image. At some point a little later, as the invisible feet moved onward along the blue pathway, for a brief moment, the edges of the blue path suddenly faded for a short interval, and then continued again some distance further, restoring once more it distinct frame immediately afterwards. For that brief interlude, it was almost as if the feet had approached an unexpected watery intersection along its urgent trajectory. Two blurred right-angled side junctions, one to the left and one to the right completed the image. But as the footprints approached this momentary intersection, they didn't hesitate. Nor did the crossroad deter them in any way from their course. The unchecked footprints simply continued onward and beyond, straight and true.


     As I absorbed this image, I immediately asked the LORD, what am I looking at, LORD? And He said the footprints are those of "a giant". The ocean represents "My Spirit". The blue path represents "the straight and narrow path of life". For "Small is the gate, and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - MATTHEW 7:14. Since the ocean represents my Spirit, the path represents a spiritual path. And you only find the path if you are borne by My Spirit. Blue represents "the garments of royalty". Those who take My royalty upon themselves are like My giants in the spirit. They are My royal priesthood - 1 PETER 2:9. And the straight and narrow path, with the intersection, is also My Cross. As long as one continually turns towards Me and to the Cross, one shall not only find the path to life, but one shall also never leave the path or get lost, and neither shall they ever sink at any time.


     My Cross shall call you, as deep calls unto deep. My Word itself will LIFT you and guide you. And My Spirit will sustain you, support you, keep you and nourish you. The "icing sugar" and "bare feet" represent the sweetness of abiding intimacy - like the original Garden of Eden intimacy. And those that walk in the Way shall be as giants, being those that turn neither to the left nor to the right, nor fall by the wayside, for "whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice saying, "This is the way; walk in it"" - ISAIAH 30:21.


     And they shall be My giants, being those who press in and press on, always turning to the Cross and to the Word, and abiding in the intimacy of the royal-blue, manifest presence of My deep Spirit that stretches like living waters as far as any eye can see. And abiding thus, you will thereby be continuously "transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" - ROMANS 12:2.


     And lastly, but most certainly not least, the most significant of all is that the giant itself is always invisible. The only evidence of his existence is the prevailing passage of his footprints. And these footprints are framed only atop and along the pathway of the Cross that is indelibly and prominently etched upon the ocean surface. The larger than life footprints tell us that when our lives are both framed by the contours and scaffolding of Jesus' ways, and abide within the essence and truth of who Jesus is, our lives will of themselves, by matter of course, naturally make a telling impact on all that is life. For He is the way and the truth and the life. For those who do not count their lives as more valuable than both obedience unto Jesus and love for Jesus, they will leave a mark on life that will giant any mark made when we live only for ourselves and our own ways. Our lives will literally leave footprints as large as those of a giant. In other words, our lives will echo not only in this life, but also across the construct of eternity. And the fruit thereof will be greater than what we could produce ourselves, because "greater is He that is within us than he who is in the world" - 1 JOHN 4:4.


     As to the reasons for us presenting "as invisible", it is firstly because when hearts encounter authentic love, such love so compels the heart to place the object of its affections as first and foremost, as preeminent and prominent. For of this kind of love, Jesus first showed the way. His love for us is so complete that instead of putting Himself as preeminent and prominent, He instead came not "to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." - MATTHEW 20:28. What's more, because of His love for us, Jesus "made himself OF NO REPUTATION, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men." - PHILIPPIANS 2:7. In other words, because of His great love for us all, that when compared with the complete visibility and fame of the "King of all kings" seated on the highest throne in the universe, by making Himself of no reputation, He instead chose to became invisible by comparison, specifically so that we should become first and foremost in His life, that we should become preeminent and prominent in His love. So it is only fitting that if our love for Jesus should aspire to the same high standard of love, that we should be prepared to place Jesus, in turn, as first and foremost in our lives, as preeminent and prominent in our love.


     The second reason that we manifest as "being invisible" is when we love Jesus wholeheartedly, our lives become entirely about expressing and accomplishing what is wholly and rightfully "His glory" alone. For real love transforms every heart. And instead of our lives being a statement of promoting our own fame, or about pursuing our own limelight, our lives become entirely about glorifying He who gave His life as a ransom for many. Our lives willingly become invisible so that through us, He may become all-consumingly conspicuous.


     And in so doing, when it comes to our personal lives, all anyone can ever see are the Cross on the water, and the footprints. In effect, Jesus becomes our life's prevailing banner - ISAIAH 11:12. He comes to the fore whilst we recede into the background - JOHN 3:30. Exalting His good name becomes our singular purpose. Raising His name on high becomes our love offering and our living sacrifice. And with all that we are, we live to honour our Father, for it is both fitting and right that we honour our Father. 


    And, in doing so, we become as those who leave larger-than-human footprints upon the living contours of His high kingdom. We become giants in heart. For in honouring love, in all that we are, and all that we do, it is all done to the glory of God alone - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31.


- To God be all the glory. Forever and ever. Amen and amen.

- God's richest blessings, Wayne Biehn