Over time, what is "imputed" through JUSTIFICATION, is then "imparted" through SANCTIFICATION. Man's POSITION of righteousness (imputed in "relation to" Christ) becomes man's CONDITION of righteousness (imparted through "relationship with" Christ). 

     Firstly, when it comes to our sanctification, 1 THESSALONIANS 5:23 declares HE is faithful to DO it. It is HIS work of love, not ours. And, secondly, when it comes to HOW He will do it, His Word also tells us the how: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." MALACHI 3:3. Which once more is a labour of His love, for He will not stop until it is perfected (seven times). And importantly, as in the imagery of "the Potter and the clay", sanctification requires ongoing and close INTIMACY. Which is symbolised by the clay being permanently under the Hands of the Potter at all times. Which is a condition of not only proximity (relationship) but also of surrender (being yielded). It is HIS work of love, but we need to COME to Him in relationship and surrender (JAMES 4:8).
     In the case of verse 3:3 in Malachi, the one 3 is the perfect image and likeness of the other 3. The 3 of "the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" will make the 3 of man's "body, soul and spirit" entirely BLAMELESS at the coming of the LORD by the pure words of the LORD operating as a refiner and purifier of silver. In other words, man will be refined and purified seven times (until complete) into the image and likeness of His Creator. For the LORD is forever without sin and is forever BLAMELESS. What was externally "imputed" as the IMAGE of our righteousness through our "position" TO Christ becomes "imparted" as the LIKENESS of our righteousness through our "relationship" WITH Christ. We become one with the LORD, just as the Son is one with the Father (JOHN 17:21).
     But what is also important to note, it is the Word ITSELF that will do it. "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times." PSALM 12:6. This is important for three reasons. (1) So that there never becomes an element of pride or self-achievement in this, so that there is never a distraction of earning our righteousness. (2) So there never becomes a sense of our own failure, so that there is never a distraction from our position of righteousness. And (3) also so that the glory always remains entirely the LORD's. It is through the pure words of the LORD that are SPIRIT then becoming LIFE in man's spirit, soul and body, that we are sanctified. By the invisible hands of osmosis, the silver of His pure words ultimately see their own reflection in the image of man.
    Which is also the purpose of why man ages or gets old. The maturity cycle of man is the illustration "in the physical" of man's steady progression over time to maturity, a condition that is emblematic of a head of silver hair.  In the same way as the head of hair of man is filled over time with the silver of wisdom, so too is the soul of man sanctified unto the silver of righteousness. Through the osmosis of the pure words of the LORD (that are SPIRIT and LIFE (JOHN 6:63)) diffusing through the membrane of man's spirit, the SILVER of the living Word becomes the reflection of the SILVER of Christ in man.

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." JOHN 17:17


     Where "3" represents COMPLETION (because God is three and is complete), as with the 3:3 in Malachi 3:3 representing man being the mirror image of Christ, and being therefore complete in Christ, which is the fullness of maturity in the LORD, the perfect likeness of 17:17 in John 17:17 tells us that through sanctification, just as God is one and perfect (17), man becomes one and perfect (17) because he is sanctified into the perfect image and likeness of God. Through justification and sanctification in Christ, man becomes one with God (1) and complete in God (7). Another way of representing the numerical significance of the scripture, through man becoming one with the perfect truth, man is sanctified by becoming one with the perfect Word.


"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." 1 TIMOTHY 1:17.


God's richest blessings for now and all eternity, Wayne Biehn.