The angst and travail Abraham endured and faced at the daunting and formidable task of having to offer up his only son, Isaac, upon the altar of sacrifice to God (Genesis 22), being the very flesh of his flesh and the very bones of his bones (Genesis 2:23), was akin to having to physically rip out his own heart with his bare hands and place it still beating upon the altar of sacrifice before his God. In giving us His only Son, in giving us His own heart, God the Father demonstrated the extravagant heights and fathomless depths and supreme lengths of His love for man (Ephesians 3:18).


     And therein lies the answer as to why the soul of man belongs entirely to man, and not to God. By our own free will, if we are to rise to the same heights of love for our Father in return, if we are to follow our Father's exacting example, we are all invited to demonstrate this equal and great model of love by likewise freely giving to God that part of ourselves that is ours alone to give in return. Which is the very same thing that He personally gave of Himself through laying up His very Son upon the altar of sacrifice for all of mankind, being the supreme sacrifice of laying up the very flesh of His flesh and the very bones of His bones for all of humanity. Which is our heart.


     In other words, just like He freely gave us His Son, which is the immense sacrifice of pouring out His heart and soul for each and every one of us, we are called to likewise freely give our own heart and soul fully to God as a living sacrifice in our own demonstration of our own love and commitment to God in return. For think not that salvation is where it all starts and stops. Salvation is merely the starting point, the hors d'oeuvre, the invitation to the great exchange that is the true model of love. Those who only wear the “garment of salvation”, and not also the “garment of the bride”, are those who have only “taken” for themselves the one side of the exchange that is His heart, but who have not also “given” their own heart in return. These are the foolish virgins. Only those who in turn also give their whole heart are those who are worthy of being called His bride. Which is the great exchange that is fitting and becoming of the great love between a bride and the bridegroom.


     After we are “called” to the great occasion and ceremony of real love through the gift of salvation, just like the engagement ring is a gift unto the potential bride, it is only those who like Abraham and the Father who then also give their whole heart as well in the great exchange between God and man and man and God who will then also be “chosen” as His bride. For it is written that many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14). Which is the call and answer of the wise virgins.


“He who has ears to hear, let him hear”

(Matthew 11:15; Mark 4:9; Luke 8:8, 14:35)