Thank You, Father,
That You would use us in any way for Your kingdom purposes,
And to bring glory and honour to Your Son!
Who is man that You should be mindful of him? And the son of man that You visit him? (Psalm 8:4),
And yet, we who have been apprehended by the majesty and the eternal power of Your love have this assurance, that we trust and believe in Your perfect heart and Your divine nature and Your living Word.
For Your Word is a covenant promise that in the tabernacle of Your Spirit that is us, That You shall display Your splendour (Isaiah 49:3).
Enlarge Your tent in us, Dig Your tent pegs in deep,
And stretch out the curtain of Your dwelling,
That this house may be known as a dwelling place of the LORD!
A place like that of Jacob’s well,
Where rivers of living water flow from the deep depths of life and wisdom as a never ending supply from our belly,
Where the divine nature and eternal power of our Father, God our creator, can be plainly seen by all,
And where all of creation may come to know and see and witness
That the tabernacle that is Your sons and daughters, IS a house of worship and of prayer!
Be honoured in this tabernacle, dear Father!
Rejoice for Your kingdom has come,
And is in this tabernacle (Luke 17:21),
And that its rightful and true King sits on its throne, at Your right hand!
To God be the glory and honour and praise, always and forever, amen and amen.