Have you ever considered why all those who rail violently against all “the infidels” who believe in Christ, deliberately and purposely “decapitate the heads” of those believers? In an openly “public demonstration”and display of their rage and objection before the whole world? That they do so, is not in question. For from “the days of John the Baptist (who also had his head violently removed) until now, the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.” (Matthew 11:12).
The reason why violent objectionists decapitate all who are “infidels” is because, in Jesus Christ’s own open and “public demonstration” of His sovereignty on the Cross, before "all the world", He placed “the head” of the serpent under “the heel” of all His believers (Romans 16:20). And by doing so, in a single, supremely noble act, He put in place the overarching foundation for both tearing down (from “the head”) every pretense and argument that exalts itself (as the head) "above" the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5), and also for raising up those same believers to sit alongside Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6), which is to sit at “the head” of all things, with Jesus on His throne, where He sits with the "earth as His footstool" (Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:49), being at the right hand of the Father, far "above" all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come (Ephesians 1:21).
Which tells us that, in both practical and allegorical terms, “the head” is of immense strategic importance, in both the natural realm and biblically, as well as in both the government of the spiritual domain. and in the context of His grand master plan. In fact, it is at the Head that all things come to a head, so to speak. And for this reason, God deliberately fashioned "the form and function" of the human anatomy in a way in which man could then fully grasp the significance and meaning of this. Which is why the very place of that "public demonstration" is called Golgotha, which is “the place of the skull”. It is the place where both the head of the serpent, and the heads of all those, who across the continuum of time, have all raised their heads in objection to Jesus as the Covenant Head of righteousness, all now lie in open display before all of the world, forever defeated, and forever under His feet, permanently prostrate beneath the same holy feet that by their own hands were elevated above all the earth on the Cross! The irony.
In fact, in as much as an allegory is "a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning" through "concrete or material forms", both the form (the mold) and the function (the actions) of the human body are deeply emblematic and symbolic of the living Word. There is a distinct "afterglow" that attaches to the masterpiece of the human body in both its form and function, which positively resembles the "heat signature" of the glory of the living Word. For has not the LORD Himself declared, "Is not My word like a fire?" (Jeremiah 23:29). It is when man has spent a refiner's time in the belly of the fiery furnace of the living Word that “the afterglow” that then comes upon man, takes on a closer and closer resemblance of the image and likeness of “the glory” of the living Word.
There is a distinct "afterglow" that attaches to the masterpiece of the human body in both its form and function, which positively resembles the "heat signature" of the glory of the living Word. |
Having said that, as we all know, the human body, with one head and a multiplicity of different limbs, is likewise allegorical of the body of Christ, being many parts that are subject to His thoughts alone, and His ways only (subject to one head). In this context, if such a member was without the head, then both literally and figuratively, without the head, that member cannot "know" right from wrong (Romans 11:33; Job 28:12-24). Without the head, one cannot "see" the path along which one is to travel (Proverbs 3:7; Proverbs 4:26). Without the head, one cannot "hear" the counsel of wisdom and understanding (Jeremiah 33:3; Isaiah 11:2). Without the head, one cannot "speak" with the soothing tongue that is a tree of life (Proverbs 15:4; Proverbs 15:2). Like a "chicken without a head", although it may continue to run and flap its wings for some time, the running to and fro and the flapping of wings ultimately have no purpose at all. For like the headless chicken, they prevail only for a brief time, like a vapour (James 4:14), neither knowing right from wrong, nor having eyes to see the path along which they should travel, nor having ears to hear the counsel of wisdom and knowledge, nor having the means with which to speak “with a soothing tongue that is unto a tree of life” or with “a soft word that breaks bones” (Proverbs 25:15).
In much the same way that the military strategy of removing “the head” subsequently defeats the enemy, it was by the removing of the head of “the giant” of Goliath with “the sword” by the king of Israel that the great army of the enemy of Israel was thoroughly defeated. Which was a "forerunner" allegory of what is in final store for the head of “the giant” that has raised himself up against the King of Israel. “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion." (Psalm 2:6). And before that final reckoning, it is also what is "presently" in store for the head of that same giant, through “the Sword of the Spirit” for all believers as a bloodline inheritance from that same King. The enemy knows the Word better than any man, and he is vividly aware of what is in store for him. For he knows that the Lord looks over His word to perform it. This is one of the reasons why the enemies of Christ specifically decapitate Christians. And in terms of an overall strategy and a way of making a loud statement, it is a way of getting at the Head by removing the members of the body from the Head. With the first coming of the Lord, they initially tried to remove the Head by crucifying Christ, but Christ WANTED to be crucified so that the Body could be established. Now, they go after the body because they can’t get to the head. So their approach now is, if we can’t remove the Head from the body, then we will remove the body from the Head (literally and figuratively).
It is when man has spent a refiner's time in the belly of the fiery furnace of the living Word that “the afterglow” that then comes upon man, takes on a closer and closer resemblance of the image and likeness of “the glory” of the living Word. |
Which is also why “Jerusalem is centre stage” on the world stage right now, and why it is centre stage for all the nations that are mounting a united revolt against Jerusalem being the capital of Israel. In kingdom parlance, Jerusalem is to “the head” what the country of Israel is to “the body”. Any kingdom not only has a king, but it also has its “head” quarters, from whence “the head” of that kingdom governs the land of his kingdom. The groundswell of allegiance of all nations, and their kings and rulers, in opposition and objection to the restoration of Jerusalem as the capital of the nation of Israel, is all about removing the Headquarters from the body of the kingdom (Israel). Whilst Jesus remains the master military strategist, the enemy is purely retaliatory and vindictive. This is, and remains,.the enemy’s way. Upon His second coming, Jesus will crush the "head" of the serpent for once and for all, and by removing the head, He will defeat the entire enemy, which is the entire “body” of demons, and of all the principalities and powers and rulers of darkness.
Just as for all those who upon the first coming of the Lord “rallied together”, as a one body, in a caucus of opposition against the legitimate head, ranging from Herod to Pontius Pilate, and including both gentiles to the people of Israel in between, so too upon the second coming of the Lord will “all nations rage” and “the people plot” against the head of the body. For as with the first coming, where those who had united in revolt had “all lost connection with the head” from whom the whole body grows, upon the imminent second coming of the Lord, so too will they all have "lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow." (Colossians 2:19).
And just like all those who became “as one body”, in both form and function, to rise up in revolt against the true head at the first coming, did so “in vain”, so too will all those “kings of the earth” who set themselves together as ONE BODY, and “the rulers who take counsel together” in ONENESS OF MIND against the LORD and His Anointed, saying “Let us break their cords in pieces, and cast away their cords from us”, do so completely “in vain”. Of this folly, it is the Lord Himself who asks, “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot “a vain thing”?” (Psalm 2:1). “The nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break their bonds in pieces, and cast away their cords from us” (Psalm 2:1-3). "For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both (1) Herod, and (2) Pontius Pilate, with (3) the Gentiles, and (4) the people of Israel, were gathered together, for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done."(Acts 4:27-28). It is always God who has the last say. And in this case, not only the last say, but the last laugh too. For in their vanity at the time of the first coming, not only did the Lord have the last laugh, but even now, in the second coming, He who sits in the heavens shall also then also laugh. “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure: “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.”” (Psalm 2:4-6). Regardless of what forces collude and conspire and cooperate to sabotage the return of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, they shall all fail, and fail miserably. For the Father HAS ALREADY set His King on His holy hill of Zion.
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
(Psalm 2:1-6)
The true reason of the opposition of sinners to Christ's truth is their objection and hatred of "the restraints of godliness". “Let us break their bonds (restraints) in pieces, and cast away their cords (restraints) from us.” (Psalm 2:3). But Christ IS the Covenant Head of the righteous. And neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able "to separate us" from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (the Head) (Romans 8:38-39). And for the righteous, God says He will put His law on man's inner parts and write it on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33). And it's when that word then ignites through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, through the fire that burns but does not consume, through the fire of the refiner's furnace, that the iron of the Sword of the spirit will sharpen the iron of sword of man's spirit (Proverbs 27:17), which is to be refined by words that are as pure silver, tried in the furnace of the earth, refined seven times (Psalm 12:6), so that from the heat of that clashing of blades, a distinct "afterglow" attaches to the masterpiece of the human body, in both its form and function, that positively resembles the "heat signature" of the glory of the living Word.
The true reason of the opposition of sinners to Christ's truth is their objection and hatred of "the restraints of godliness". “Let us break their bonds (restraints) in pieces, and cast away their cords (restraints) from us.” (Psalm 2:3) |
However, until that day, "the glorious reign of Jesus in the latter day will not be consummated until a terrible struggle has convulsed the nations". And on the day of that struggle, "You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel." (Psalm 2:9). "‘He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels" (Revelation 2:27). In the meantime, until that day, as the body of the Covenant Head of righteousness (Psalm 2:6), we are to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We are to take up the whole armour of God, that we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Ephesians 6:10,13). We are to therefore "Stand, having girded our waist with truth", that we may never wander outside of the bonds and restraints of righteousness. We are to "put on the breastplate of righteousness", that our hearts may remain true to what are His thoughts and His ways. We are to "shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace", that we may not only live in the Spirit (His thoughts), but walk in the way of the Spirit (His ways). Above all, we are to "take the shield of faith with which we will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one", which is to place the head of the serpent under our heel. We are to "take the helmet of salvation", THAT WE MAY NOT LOSE OUR HEADS, but in all things have the spirits of our minds renewed with His thoughts and His ways (Ephesians 4:23). And finally, we are to take "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God", which is to make His words like fire in our mouths through standing watch and praying with all prayer and supplication, that the darts of the enemy may be consumed like wood. "Behold, I am making My words in your mouth fire. And this people wood, and it will consume them." (Jeremiah 5:14). That just like out of His mouth will proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, out of our mouth through prayer and supplication for the saints may proceed the Sword of the Spirit. So that just like Aaron’s Rod that budded, being representative of the Tribe of Christ that blossomed in the midst of a Congregation that was in rebellion against Christ, we too, may blossom.
that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."
(Ephesians 6: 13-17)
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:17).