Of David, a shepherd and a king, AND a man after God’s own heart, it is written:

“So he SHEPHERDED them according to the “integrity of his heart”, And GUIDED them by the “skilfulness of his hands”” (Psalm 78:72).

The word of our LORD also declares, “I will search their hearts, and examine their minds.” (Jeremiah 17:10).

And in this, we see a strong tie and parallel in these two scriptures.

FIRSTLY, “I will search their hearts” (Jeremiah 17:10): Psalm 78:72 declares that David “shepherded” God’s people according to the “integrity of his heart”. And of David’s heart, “BEFORE” first anointing and then appointing him as king, the LORD first searched his heart. Which is a lesson for all of us in our own anointing and appointment. What else is important here is that God chooses a man to shepherd His people by whether He sees the foundation of “integrity” in their heart. For isn’t the foundation of God’s throne justice and righteousness? And can a man rule or shepherd with righteousness and justice without a “heart of integrity”? For a heart of integrity lies at the seat of a throne of justice and righteousness.

And if God’s throne is established on the pillars of justice and righteousness, this makes God’s heart likewise a heart of integrity. Which makes David’s heart and God’s heart both one and the same. Which is why David is affectionately referred to as “a man after God’s own heart”. For whilst that is a term of affection, it is also entirely literal. They both have a heart of integrity.

SECONDLY, “I will examine their minds” (Jeremiah 17:10): Psalm 78:72 declares that David “guided” God’s people by the “skilfulness of his hands”. The word of God tells us that as a man “thinks”, so he “is”. Because as a man “thinks”, so he “does”. So a man is as a man does. So God examined David’s mind because God knows that the mind is the root of whatever the hands do. What a man’s hands do is the fruit of whatever he thinks. So just as “the fruit” is to “the root”, so “the hand” (fruit) is to “the mind” (root).

So by examining David’s mind, what God saw in David’s was “a mind” that trusted in God for the “works of his hands”. Which is a mind that trusted God for the skilfulness of his hands. And is it not a shepherd’s duty to protect the flock with his hands? Which requires hands skilled in both wisdom and bravery. Which for David — because He trusted God — were hands wise and brave enough to stand up to the giant of God’s people (Goliath) and protect all His people — showing that David was a pattern of the Shepherd of Christ. Because Jesus likewise stood up to all the giants of all man, and likewise removed all their heads at the Cross.

Which is why Joshua and Caleb also did well in the eyes of the LORD. For they both had “the wisdom” to place their trust in God, and “the courage” to go and enter the land God had given them, and defeat the giants of Canaan. For did God not say to them, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong (wise) and of good courage (brave)?” (Joshua 1:9). And seeing what was in Joshua’s heart — being a type of Jesus, just as God the Father anointed and appointed Jesus to shepherd and guide His people by what was in Jesus’ heart — did God not anoint and appoint Joshua to then shepherd and guide His people?

When David shepherded his father’s flock, which is a patten of shepherding the Father’s sheep, did he not have “bravery in his heart” and “wisdom in his hands”? Did he not defeat a lion and a bear? The LORD our God chose David to shepherd and guide His people because He looked unto David’s heart, and examined His mind, and approved of what He saw there.

Shepherds are anointed and appointed by God because they have both integrity in their hearts and hands that trust the wisdom and might of God. David did not flinch or run from his duty, either when facing the lion or the bear, or when dealing with Goliath. Whist everyone else hesitated or ran FROM Goliath — as Goliath taunted all of Israel including Saul for forty days — David not only didn’t hesitate, but he immediately ran TO the matter in hand of Goliath. Which shows a heart of integrity to his duty. And hands that don’t tarry. Just like Jesus took on all the world and all our assailants so that He might protect and guide His sheep.

Our LORD our God, as beloved sons and daughters, whose chief desire is to honour You our Father, Your word declares in Ezekiel 36:26 that You will give us a “new heart” and a “new spirit”. So standing on the Spirit and truth of this word and covenant, we ask and pray that You give us all “hearts of integrity” (a new heart) and “hands of skill” (a new spirit), please Father. That in Your anointing and appointing of Your sons and daughters, we may SHEPHERD Your anointing with hearts of integrity (a new heart), and Your appointment with hands of skill GUIDED by Your Spirit of wisdom and might (a new spirit). This we ask, and pray, and thank You for, in the holy and hallowed name, and name above all names, of Jesus the only Christ. Amen and amen.