We are called to be stars, lighthouses that punctuate the heavens of God’s glory canvas. Not fallen stars, those that fashion themselves upon the fate and trajectory of Lucifer, never to adorn the splendour of the skies ever again. But stars that remain where they are called, where they belong, populating the canvas of eternity as a light on a hill that cannot be hidden.
Upon the ambient backdrop of all that is darkness, we are to glitter as pure gold, a living, breathing gold that twinkles as we inhale and exhale the glory of the image and likeness of the great Morning Star. Regardless of how thick the night may be, and as time marches on, darkness will increase, for such are the times as these, but the thicker the night, the brighter the star will shine. For the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can not overcome it (JOHN 1:5).
For though each star may be completely surrounded by night, they shine ever more brightly, as a beacon for all that is “the darkness of the world”, what is the amazing glory and great purpose of finishing the work we have been given on earth, just like the Son brought glory on earth by finishing the work His Father gave Him to do (JOHN 17:4) which is to be a light unto the world. As stars, we are not of the darkness of the world, but we are called to go into the world. For when we are in the world, no matter where darkness may stand, darkness may see the light. For such is the great commission of the One and brightest star of all, who went before us, and has gone before us to prepare a room for us in His Father’s house.
“15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.... 18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” (JOHN 17:15-18)