The LORD our God desires a people who are determined to not trample the blood of His Son under their feet (Hebrews 10:29).
He seeks a people who are resolutely determined to fill their vessels with the divine nature through “the word made flesh” that the fruit of their nature is no longer sin, but righteousness.
Which is an end result of those mature sons and daughters in Christ that ensures that the blood of His precious Son will eventually not have to run to cover our sin.
This is the great end goal of the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14, where the LORD our God will heal our land, and forgive our sin.
As long as our lands remain untouched by the healing hand of the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the fruit of our lands will remain sin.
God requires a people who apply both the marriage emblems of the Holy Communion to their lives of the bread AND the wine. That as the bread (being the water of the Word) that sweeps the house clean, the wine (His blood) fills the house with the divine nature of God made flesh. The water of the word (bread) provides "the new wineskin", and the blood (the wine) provides the new wine that fills that new wineskin with His goodness and glory.
Many are happy to camp at the level of salvation of spilling the blood of Jesus that their sins may be forgiven, but few are determined to ascend the mountain of the Lord by letting the living bread of the word (His thoughts) and the blood (His ways) work out its finished work in healing their land (their nature) of the propensity to sin, so that the blood of the Lamb may finally no longer need to spill in the land of their lives.
It is only when -- according to Acts 2:46 -- we break bread with Jesus daily, just as in the natural we sit down to feed daily, through eating both His flesh (the bread of the word) and drinking HIs blood (the wine) (John 6:54), that we will eventually be able to stand in the presence of the LORD our God as a Moses company of mountain top dwellers with our lands finally healed of their dark ways and thoughts.
For whilst many are called to ascend the mountain of the LORD, only a few like Moses are chosen (Matthew 5:8). For it is only those who yield daily to the word by laying their lives down on the altar of love that their ways and their thoughts may change, who having ascended the mountain of the LORD, are granted the privilege of standing in the presence of the LORD (Matthew 22:14).
“Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?” (Psalm 24:3).
For it is those who desire to produce in themselves a finished work through the indwelling seed of the word of Christ (ascend the mountain of the LORD), so that the rivers of blood of our precious Jesus may stop running, who shall find themselves having granted access through the gates of righteousness into the dwelling place and presence of the Father. For, in them, the Father sees the preciousness of those who desire to no longer trample the blood of His beautiful Son under their feet through the complacency of camping at the level of salvation of all those who only see Jesus “as Saviour”, but refuse to acknowledge and relate to Him “as Lord”.
“Therefore let all Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ!” (Acts 2:36).
Which is when they have not only applied “the blood” of Jesus as Saviour to “the fruit” of their sin, but the bread of “the word” of Jesus as Lord to “their nature”, so that their lands may eventually be a land that no longer sins, being the finished work though the word made flesh so that the blood of their precious Jesus may be spared and preserved and held as precious and dear and sacred in their eyes.