What is very clear is that in a theology where the Holy Spirit is dead, the religious spirit is alive and kicking. They serve a Deism, not a Holy Trinity.
The God I serve and love is the God of Three, not two, being the God of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
For if it seems okay for you to marginalise and minimise the Person of the Holy Spirit, it would behoove those who do to note that even “the Father” and “the Son” hold “the Holy Spirit” in high regard and reverence. For both the Father and Son very plainly declare, decree and proclaim that whilst it may be forgivable to blaspheme the Father and the Son, thou shalt not blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
So those who deny the office of the Holy Spirit, which is to deny the office of the Helper who Jesus declared He will send, are those who not only quench the Holy Spirit and who also grieve the Holy Spirit, but they are those who reject the Helper, and who skate very close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
The word is clear in Romans that the sons of God are those who are “led by the Spirit”. How can the sons of God be led by a dead or absent Holy Spirit? So if they reject the Holy Spirit, are they then in fact sons? For what spirit are they then led by?
Joel 2:23-30 speaks plainly of the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the end times. Whilst it may seem obvious that in all things we are to follow “the example of Jesus”, it is clear that the religious spirit that holds many of the body of Christ captive, that they live by a different gospel which speaks plainly that it is to our advantage that the Helper comes.
When it comes to going out into the streets and saving souls, Jesus said very plainly, I do nothing unless the Father tells me. “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.“ (John 6:38). “For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.” (John 12:49). “So Jesus replied, "Truly, truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself, unless He sees the Father doing it. For whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” (John 5:19).
When Jesus healed the man at the well of Bethesda, he healed only one. There were many. But He only healed who His Father told Him to heal. Because He lived to do one thing and one thing only. Which is to do the will of His Father. If you are not lead by the Holy Spirit how can you know or do the will of the Father? How can you know which one it is the season and time for their harvest? If you pick a fruit too soon, or too late, of what good is that? The LORD clearly says, “To EVERY THING, there is a season, and A TIME to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
Jesus’ life demonstrated this perfectly. Jesus ministry lasted for 3 and half years. That’s the season. The season is the DURATION. But unless He was led by the Spirit, He would not know the TIMING. The TIME was at age 30, not before, not after. And the timing provides both the start and end dates of that season.
Those who rush off sowing where the Spirit of the Lord doesn’t lead them to sow are those who scatter rather than gather. “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”. (Matthew 12:30). They are also those who live by a works-based righteousness. Jesus only did what His Father told Him to do, which is what a son is, which is one who is lead by the Spirit.
A son goes into the streets to save souls when the Spirit leads him to do so, for to everything under heaven, there is a season and a time. Those who gate crash God’s timeline not only hurt the kingdom but also hurt those who are destined for the kingdom, because to God timing is everything. Which is evident by Jesus again who knew that He was to die on the Cross, but yet He said many times, “now is not the time”. Even His death was at the express timing of His Father, which unless you are led by the Spirit you would not know.
The Gospel of Luke says that being baptized in the Spirit is being clothed with power from on high so that the message of Christ can be taken effectively to all the world. That’s the precise and explicit language of Luke 24:49. “Wait in Jerusalem till you are clothed with power from on high.” So when the trumpet call finally sounds for the great end time harvest expected any day soon, would it be becoming to arrive at God’s end time party entirely undressed or naked for the great occasion?
In the final analysis of everyone’s life, our Lord our God says we shall all be known BY OUR FRUIT. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes of a person or community living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according to chapter 5 of the Epistle to the Galatians: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” So without the Holy Spirit, by what fruit and by whose fruit shall ye then be known? And if not by His fruit, does He not say cast him out into outer darkness? That there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth?
When it comes to the Word, whilst principles for interpreting Scripture, including biblical prophecy, can help, they cannot replace our absolute dependence on the Holy Spirit to lead us to the truth.
So for those who deny the Holy Spirit, who inadvertently or knowingly serve the religious spirit that is slowly suffocating the body today, they will never know the seasons or the times, for they are not led by the Holy Spirit. And their experience of God, as with their testimony of Christ, will never move a single mountain. For Reinhard Bonnke says it best. He simply, yet vividly says, “Christianity is either supernatural or nothing at all.”
So when it comes to honouring the Holy Spirit, choose for yourself this day who you will serve. But as for me and my household, we shall serve the LORD, which is the God of Three.