So, then, to answer this question, in His petitioning, and then His waiting, is this not the call of the voice of the LORD reaching out to ALL in the wilderness who ALREADY know and hear His voice? And to those who are already in open dialogue? For are they not required to enter into two-way conversation? Required by responding? Being all those who, by definition, then already have an ear to hear? Which are those who, logically, are already saved? For it stands to reason that only those who "recognise" and "know" God’s voice will similarly hear His request. Which is, therefore, a call that must logically follow some time later after the very first call. Being the call of the lost unto salvation.
So clearly then, “Isaiah 6:8” is not a petition by God made unto all those who are “not yet awake to the Spirit of God”. Instead, this is an invitation directed at those who, out of necessity, are already spiritually alive to the voice and the leading of the Spirit of God. Which begs the next question, too. Which is what does this petition from God in Isaiah 6:8 then signify?
After answering the LORD’s initial call unto salvation, which is the call of “Christ as Saviour”, God once again then calls us a second time. Being this time, the call of “Christ as Lord”. Being the call not unto the 30-fold fruit of salvation, but the call unto the 60-fold and 100-fold fruit of discipleship. Which, as of Christ’s own call unto His Father of being “a Son” in whom His Father is “well pleased”, is the higher call unto “all who are saved” of likewise being “His sons”. And, like David, are sons who are not only the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8), but are sons in whom He is well pleased.
For whereas the first call of salvation is a call for us to hear “HIS VOICE”, this time, this second call is to let our “OWN VOICE” now be heard in turn by Him. And this is the voice that emerges with the reply: “Here am I! Send me.” Being a response that not only proves we are actively listening to His voice, as sons do, and actively waiting on our Father, as sons do, being therefore the type of son who honours His Father (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 10:20), and thereby well pleases His Father, but that we are those who are willing to yield to His voice’s counsel and leading. Which is the true heart of a son. (Romans 8:14). And the true hallmark of a disciple. For “Whoever serves me MUST follow me (yield and submit); and where I am, my servant also will be (follow). My Father will honour the one who serves me.” (John 12:26).
For this is the voice of those who, through grace, have already answered the call of salvation, being the call to enter through “the small gate” into the realm of the “kingdom of heaven”, who now subsequently also answer the ensuing call. Which, after entering the small gate, is the call to thereafter follow “the narrow path that leads to life” up the mountain, from the base station of the “kingdom of heaven”, into the higher atmosphere and altitude of the “kingdom of God”. Which is the narrow path that leads to life that few, but His sons, find (Matthew 7:14). Being the narrow path of the way, and the truth, and the life of “the serving heart” of its King.
Which is the three-way call (complete call) of “If anyone desires to come after Me, (1) let him deny himself, and (2) take up his cross, and (3) follow Me.” (Matthew 16:24). Which is the high call unto discipleship. Being the call of a Jesus to follow Him and ascend with Him into the high mountain of the dwelling place of the LORD. Which, just like Moses, who ascended upon the LORD’s mountain, and who then came down carrying the “light that cannot be hidden” of God’s glory upon His face, will be those who likewise walk in the light. For “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).
And as with the yoking of scripture, in our kingdom service expressed through being a disciple, so too does the principle of partnering with Christ “through yoking” likewise then perpetuate. For is it not written in Matthew 11:29: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” And is it not also said: “For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”? (Matthew 11:30).
And is the model of a yoke not the very principle of the pattern and the model of the Cross? Where the vertical strut of the Cross, being that part of the Cross that is firmly anchored unto the Rock of Christ, completely carries the burden of the horizontal stay, representing man as far as the east is from the west being yoked unto the purposes and will of Christ.
For to be a disciple, which is to take up our cross, we need to take on the yoke of Jesus. And taking the yoke of Jesus means that we give up our claim and our right to any independent action or thought of our own — to any desire or will of our own — to any voice of our own.
As His disciples and sons, by denying ourselves, being one of the qualification criteria of being a disciple and a son, we are committed entirely and exclusively to the will of Jesus Christ, and His will alone. Being the culmination and the working of living and walking according to the Spirit of His thoughts and His ways alone.(Galatians 5:25).
So, finally then, in returning to the scratchy sandpaper of Matthew 24:14, “For many are called, but few are chosen”, by leaning on Matthew 24:14 with the weight of Isaiah 6:8, out of the side of this living assembly suddenly pops a once previously concealed truth, now revealed. And with it, a clear and unambiguous voice, with its own unique and distinct tenor. A voice that announces that the Matthew 24:14 declaration that “Many are called, but few are chosen” does not speak to the calling unto salvation, but that it speaks of those saved who, of their own doing, would respond unto the calling of being sons with the heart and spirit of Isaiah 6:8. Being all those who are led by the voice of the Spirit. For only those who first hear and then declare with their own voice, “Here I am! Send me”, are those who subsequently are then chosen.
For until the declaration of “Here I am! Send me” first finds its voice, the kingdom principle of “Many are called, but few are chosen” will prevail and preside. For free will is both the privilege and the prescription of all who would link arms, and voice, and heart with God. The invitation is unto all who are saved, and the membership of being “chosen” extends to all who, of their own volition, willingly declare: “Here I am! Send me.”
For just as with any marriage, being the pattern of a yoking together, the bride has to first willingly agree to the invitation unto betrothal for there to be a marriage. And as the bride of Christ, being not those who are “only saved” (the foolish virgins), but those saved sons and daughters who “are also disciples” (the wise virgins), it is through our willingness and agreement to yield entirely unto a voice other than our own, being unto the voice of our husband, the Head, which ultimately, then, determines how many of “the many who are called” are subsequently chosen. For with the eyes of the understanding of our hearts now having been opened, it is clear now that of the many who are called by God who God then subsequently chooses, this choosing rests fairly and sits squarely upon none other than our own individual shoulders and personal response.
In the final analysis then, by yoking Isaiah 6:8 with Matthew 24:14, a “new inflection” of God’s voice is now heard. Which is the voice of “many rivers” calling “the many” who are saved into active kingdom service called sonship. For God is only in the business of volunteers. Which is reserved exclusively only for those who lift up not only their voices, but who lift up their hearts and hands in kingdom service too. Being all those who worship God in spirit, AND in truth (John 4:24). For of “the many who are called”, it is these who are ultimately deemed worthy of being chosen for kingdom service. And of this choosing, it is all ours.
For in His wisdom, God has preordained events, but not the individuals. For that, He is looking for volunteers. God is looking to us to step forward and, of our own free will, volunteer “Here I am! Send me!”through the call unto kingdom sons. Which is the kingdom call of the disciple. For, all who are saved, have a choice to be part of His grand symphony orchestra of “preordained events”. And at the same time, to have the unquestionable privilege of being stitched into the history of His Story.
For when it comes to being stitched into His Story, His yoke IS easy and His burden IS light. So with that in mind, in order that His will may be done on earth, as it is in heaven, all we need to do is shout back at His earth bound petition from heaven, “Here I am! Send me”. And through that yoking, God will take care of the rest.
So, then, for the God who has the voice that is as the sound of many waters, the question snuggled right in the very midst of “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” is none other than, “So, then, who will?“
The sad truth, though, is whilst many are called (all who are saved), only a few are chosen (disciples). Because, firstly, on a “macro scale”, the great commission of making “disciples of all nations”, not simply converts, seemed to have been lost somewhere along the path of the narrative of the church. And, secondly, on a “micro scale”, simply because only a few of the many who are saved have the desire, the understanding and the heart to wait upon the Lord, to listen for the leading of His voice, and to then willingly volunteer. As a son would. As a son should.
But whilst the reality is that many are called, but few are chosen, the constant hope of God, though, is that ALL will.