We all have our own love language. And in the same way that the pattern of the world is a mix of many different languages, not everyone’s love language is the same. And the great relationship dilemma of the human condition is that though we may genuinely love others, when we love others in “our own love language”, for that is what comes naturally to us, even though we believe we are loving them, if it is not in their love language, no matter how much we express our love for them in our own love language, they feel unloved. And visa versa. For it is not a language they know or recognise. For the great mystery that remains the human relationship dilemma is only unlocked when in our hearts we can find a way to express our love for another in the image and likeness of their own love language.
And the same principle applies to God. For there is one language that God understands and knows and thrives upon. For it is in His very essence and unwavering nature. And it is central to all that He has created and planned and everything that He has done through the example of His Son. God’s love language is “quality time”. For at the heart of it, in the natural, what does “quality time” represent, regardless of how quality time is expressed and accomplished? Intimacy! Personal time! In the spiritual, quality time is also intimacy. It is the intimacy of fellowship. Which is the enduring and overwhelming intimacy of being in the Presence of God. Which is sweeter than any treasure on earth or heaven. Nothing comes close or compares. Nothing feeds the love tank like intimacy. Which is why prayer and communion is such a sacred sugar. It is the occasion and the moment of genuine quality time. It is a pressing into the bosom of God for love. For in heaven and on earth, there is no greater intimacy than inclining oneself against the chest of God and finding our fill and completion in Him. Which is the explicit and entirely natural love language of a Father for His own.
God feels most at home and loved when His sons and daughters are most at home in expressing their love for Him through the fellowship and communion and intimacy of quality time. Which is why God in His infinite wisdom has made a way for all those who love Him in His love language, that in the great afterlife to come, we will all be able to have the privilege of uninterrupted and unhindered quality time with Him for all eternity.
“One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.”
(Psalm 27:4)
“Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.”
(Psalm 51:11)