Lord God our God, and King,
Permit that we may ascend Your high hill,
So that in heavenly places assigned unto us by name,
Being our place at Your great banqueting table,
We may take our place at Your feet.
For has it not been written: “He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love.” (Song of Solomon 2:4). And has all of creation, and everyone and everything in it, not all been called to their place?
And of the “homing beacon” of Your great banqueting house, Has its banqueting table not been prepared by Your very own hand? That we may all come from far, and then, from the hand of sumptuous plenty that is perfect love, eat our fill ?
For is it not from YOUR table that we come to dine on the “good nature” and the “living power” of perfect love? That out of the abundance of YOUR heart of plenty, our cup may continuously overflow? And the banner over us may be love?
For like all journeyman, Such as the Magi and the wise virgins, Do we not all come from far and wide in love to be received by You? That from the banqueting table of Your banqueting house, Being the house of “constant nourishment” and “overflowing fill”, We may all eat unto the “fullness of our joy” and the “delight of our heart”.
For did Jeremiah not rightly declare: “When Your words came, I ate them; they were my JOY and my heart's DELIGHT, for I bear Your name, O LORD God Almighty.” (Jeremiah 15:16). And of Your banqueting table, is it not also written: “Sustain me with cakes of raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am lovesick.” (Song of Solomon 2:5).
And since we are, likewise, all lovesick, and since we all bear Your name,
Permit, O God, that we may ascend the high hill of the Lord,
That we may stand in Your holy place.
And having entered the upper room of Your banqueting house,
That we may gaze forever upon the beauty of the LORD,
And eat of the fatness and plenty of Your perfect love,
Being at once completely whole and entirely full,
Yet forever desiring still even more.
So that, forever and for always,
The banner and name over us,
May be the I AM of perfect love.