It is written: “He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.” Psalm 103:7.

Many seek after the “acts” of God, but only a few (a Moses company) are willing to fully learn of His “ways.”

As with the watered down “new gospel” that fills many parts of the church, such as with the prosperity gospel, many seek “the things” of God that shall be added unto us spoken of in Matthew 6:33 (His acts), but few seek God first, being to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (His ways).

Discipleship is the privilege, honour and calling to learn of His ways. Which is to seek first relationship, not the fringe benefits that come with relationship. Do we not see this pattern of friendship or relationship in the world? Being the pattern of worldly relationship, being those who seek “the benefits” of relationship rather the heart and marrow of true relationships and friendship?

The LORD is no fool! He shall not be mocked! He searches the heart and examines the mind. For He is able to discern between the thoughts and intents of every man. He looks not unto appearances, but to the dividing between the bone and marrow. It is to the hidden marrow of a man’s heart that He looks to, being the lifeblood of relationship, not unto the bleached bones of religious appearance of relationship.

God is gracious. For a time, just as with the people of Israel, God will bless us all with His acts of love. But deep down, the eyes of His heart roam all throughout the earth seeking those who are faithful to Him, being those who are in relationship with Him and His ways, not just His blessings. There is a difference between having faith IN His acts and being faithful TO Him.

For those who seek Him while He may still be found, God says: “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah‬ ‭29:13‬).