Today is Your day, LORD!
And in as much as today is Your day, so too is this time Your time.
And of this day, it is also the anniversary of the birthday of He who created all time and all seasons!
It's the very day by which all of time, and all its seasons, became known as the anthology that is now time.
For it is by Your birthday alone that all of time and all of seasons are in fact measured.
And of that which is all of time, time is Your very own personal mural!
It is the canvas through which all that “is love” reaches gently down from all that "is heaven" to lovingly touch all that "is man".
And in return, time is at the same time the prism through which all of man lines up in single file, and turns it's face towards God.
Time is the very looking glass through which all of creation is invited to behold the glory of You.
And furthermore, it is the necessary lens through which the heart and mind of man are able to comprehend and apprehend the majesty and relationship that is God.
And of this day, and of this time, today is the very day that birthed the greatest gift of all time. For it is the same day upon which the living Word became, on the one hand, flesh — and on the other hand, both spirit and life.
For it is only with the brushstrokes of the words of spirit and life that the mind and soul of man may also know the gift of touch. These words of spirit and life exist because the soul and mind also need touch.
And of this touch, it is the one that my soul hankers after, just like a deer panting after water. "As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." - PSALM 42:1.
And of this day, and of this time, may these words likewise land as sweet tasting ambrosia upon the palate of Your heart. And in the halls of heaven, may they be as a sweet smelling fragrance unto Your nostrils.
For it is our desire and our prayer that THIS TIME that is now, be the very season by which You ALONE become singularly famous in the hearts of all man.
At the same time, may this be the season and the time that You ALONE become first and foremost in the mind of all of creation.
And of this day, may this be the day that You ALONE become the Father of all.
Let this prayer be both spirit and life, that it may be unto You our gift on this day, a trinity of gifts for the trinity that is God.
This we ask and pray and thank You for in the hallowed and holy name of Jesus, LORD and Saviour, amen and amen.
"And he changes the times and the seasons:
He removes kings, and sets up kings:
He gives wisdom unto the wise,
And knowledge to them that know understanding"
To God alone be all the glory. Forever and ever. Amen and amen.