What shall the LORD say on the great day of His power? Which is the great day of His coming? That I built My great house with those whom I forcibly compelled? That My house is a house of bondage, not liberty? That those who dwell in the house of the LORD are My prisoner? For has it not been declared before the eyes of all heaven and earth for all to see, in irrefutable black and white, that those who are free in Christ are free indeed? (John 8:36). Does My Word contradict itself? Do I not speak plainly? Am I a man that I shall lie? Do I speak with a forked tongue? Is My Word not my bond?

     Is it not because My Word is sacrosanct to Me that those who choose to take Me at My Word can truly trust it? For if I fail at honouring My Word, where does that leave the homing beacon of faith? For does the infallible truth of My living Word not declare plainly that man cannot please God without faith? As such, am I therefore not diligent and faithful to look after EVERY word to perform it? (Jeremiah 1:12). Is it not because My Word has inviolable integrity that the very fabric of the entire universe remains intact and holds together. For is it not written that I am before all things, and in Me all things hold together? (Colossians 1:17).

     What, then, shall you say of Me and My house? Shall it not be rather said that, of this house of Mine, that in spirit and truth, it is filled only with those who have all said of their own free will, “Here I am. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8)? For did I forcibly compel Isaiah against his will? Did He not raise his hand and of his own accord volunteer? In the same way, in My day of power, shall I fill My Father’s house with any other than those who are volunteers? Those who find their home with Me shall only dwell in My Father’s house because they truly want to make their home with Me.

     Which will be because of the fellowship of love. For is it not written that there is no fear in love? That perfect love casts out ALL fear? (1 John 4:18). And am I not the Spirit of perfect love? For am I not the incorruptible seed? Which is a seed that can neither be corrupted nor corrupt. For shall I corrupt perfect love with fear? Does not the evil one rob, maim and kill through fear? As such, shall I extend anything but the hospitality of perfect love unto all those who would come and dwell with Me? So what, then, does that say of those who come to dwell in My Father’s house? That it was only out of fear that they came? Not love? Or shall it rather be because of the Spirit of perfect love which drives out all fear, so that all who come, may wholeheartedly and willingly be a volunteer?