“Then He brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house. And behold, at the entrance to the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east; and they were PROSTRATING THEMSELVES eastward TOWARD THE SUN.”

(Ezekiel 8:16)


     There is nothing happenstance to any part of creation. Everything in creation points to a singular blueprint and pattern. All of life shouts out for man to take notice of what God is saying through His masterful creation, which for all those who have eyes to see, is a treasure trove of innumerable signs for all to take heed of. For is it not specifically and purposefully and deliberately written right at the very beginning of His great letter and His final will and testament to all His children, and their children’s children, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (Genesis 1:14)? And for what else other than for communicating and for sharing information is the purpose of “a sign”?


     The sun and moon and the stars were all put into place on the fourth day of creation “as signs” for seasons and for days and years. (Genesis 1:14-18). Those lights, and their natures and their behavioural patterns, were all put there FOR US, not for God. He already had light for His purposes. (Genesis 1:3). This light was the first thing God did. Which establishes the peremptory priority of the light in relation to man. What was that light? It was Christ! (Revelation 21:23.). The only begotten Son of God. (John 3:16).


     And as a pattern for which we are to model our own lives upon, either we revolve around the gravity well of the sun of “the risen Son”, which is to be forever inclined towards the light of the Light, like the heliocentric pattern of the entire solar system, that in its enormous entirety is held in its orbit and place in relation to the sun, as with the heliotactic persuasion of everything in nature, and with the heliotropic properties of the sunflower. For like the sun, their nature is outward turned, away from self.


     Or, as with the opposite pattern that we also see as signs that are on full display in the skies above, we fall into the gravity well of the black hole of the darkness of the fallen star of Lucifer, “the fallen son”, being the pattern of fallen stars of all who likewise fall. Which is to surrender to a predicament and outcome that prescribes a definite and inevitable end. For like a black hole in nature, being the intense gravitational field of collapsed stars, they collapse in on themselves, for their nature is forever turned inwards towards self. To the three of “me, myself and I”. As opposed to the three of “Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done”.


     Every last detail of God’s masterful creation is a sign for seasons and for days and for years, signs that He has placed before us to point the way, just like the two trees in the Garden of Eden There are absolutely no coincidences to the design of all that we see as the masterful canvas of creation.


Be my centre of gravity, LORD.

Let me not mess up.

And let me not miss out.

Let me not fall unless it is to fall into the gravity well of Your orbit.

Let me spend all my days accelerating ever closer and closer to you as the relentless summons of the gravity well of Your nature and Your heart urges me forever closer and closer towards You in a never ending dance of pure intimacy around the magnificent light of the Son.